Current Affairs

Why Countries Collapse: Exorbitant debt, energy sector problems, corrupt political systems, delusional elites

Why Countries Collapse: Collective US Stupidity threaten to demolish National Unity: Getty

   Dmitry Orlov and Vladimir Putin believe the US is failing, because the US government, in Putin’s words, is “making sure-footed strides directly along the path of the Soviet Union.” These strides are, in Orlov’s words: “exorbitant debt, problems in the energy sector and unreformable political systems mired in corruption, their elites delusional in their feelings of omnipotence. And now …

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The American Police State: Indoctrination, Intimidation and Intolerance

The American Police State: Getty

  Instead of making the schools safer, government officials are making them more authoritarian. This is what it means to go back-to-school in America today. Instead of raising up a generation of civic-minded citizens with critical thinking skills, government officials are churning out compliant drones who know little to nothing about their history or their freedoms, writes Constitutional attorney and …

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Religion motivates people to love one another in a way that secularism cannot

Judeo-Christian values: The Christian contributions to Western culture: Religion motivates people to love one another: The Traditional Western World View: Jerusalem Orthodox Easter, 2022

  For decades, the leading European philosopher and atheist, Jürgen Habermas has emphasized the need for moral development in the secular West. His thinking was initially considered neo-Marxist, following along the lines of the radical Frankfurt School that heavily criticized the bourgeoisie, traditional values in Europe. He sought the answers to how to live the best possible life and be …

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Why do we celebrate Easter? Five answers from Billy Graham

Why do we celebrate Easter? Five answers from Billy Graham, Herland Report

  Billy Graham was a leading spiritual leader who preached to hundreds of millions during his life time. He served as a minister to presidents, statesmen and world leaders and held crusades all over the world. His answers to central spiritual questions about the meaning of life and the afterlife is central. Why do we celebrate the Christian holiday of …

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Hedonism’s greatest flaw: Selfish pleasure does not bring Genuine Happiness, it creates the Loss of True Freedom

Hedonism's greatest flaw: The Press is Now Also the Police, writes Matt Taibbi.

  Where promiscuity and sexual selfishness becomes socially acceptable, it is increasingly hard to form any type of faithful marriage and family nucleus based on a partnership of trust, fidelity, loyalty, and patience. Hedonism’s greatest flaw: Western hedonism and its focus on selfish pleasure as the goal of life, demonstrates its greatest flaw in its failure to recognize that compassion …

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Atheism, Emptiness and Suicide: We have lost the Recipe for Inner Peace

Atheist Emptiness: Herland Report

  Suicide is an epidemic in the West. Among Americans, the numbers are alarming, with suicide as the 10th leading cause of death. Between 1999-2016, the rate increased 30 %, writes Jesse Lee Peterson. Emptiness and Suicide: The reasons for suicide are many, but particularly white people kill themselves, according to studies. Between 2006 and 2016, the suicide rate for …

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Mental Health: The importance of Moral Standards and Self-Discipline

Mental Health: The Meaning of Life: Herland Report

  Reflection on how the spiritual dimension affects our practical lives is more important than ever. There are natural laws, spiritual principles that influence our mental health, whether we believe in them or not. For example, when Jesus said “you will reap what you sow,” he spoke of a law of nature that works regardless of what we think of …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite