
Marxist Black Lives Matter Patrisse Khan-Cullors divisive Race Ideology serves Interests of Ultra Rich

Marxist Black Lives Matter Patrisse Khan-Cullors divisive Race Ideology serves Interests of Ultra Rich, Getty Herland Report

  Herland Report: Marxist Black Lives Matter Patrisse Khan-Cullors divisive Race Ideology serves Interests of Ultra Rich: It is now fashionable among the affluent American Marxists to buy million dollar homes in the rich and wealthy “white areas”, just as Black Lives Matter (BLM) founder, Patrisse Khan-Cullors recently did. Married to Janaya Khan, co-founder of BLM Toronto, Khan-Cullors is on a …

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Capitol Hill Insurrection: The Media Lies Because that Is What the Audience Wants?

Capitol Hill Insurrection: The Star

  Herland Report: Capitol Hill Insurrection: Do you remember the lie spread by the despicable lie machine, the NY Times, that officer Brian Sicknick was beat to death with a fire extinguisher by white supremacists at the “Trump Insurrection?”   Here is the lie as told by the NY Times: “On Wednesday, pro-Trump rioters attacked that citadel of democracy, overpowered Mr. Sicknick, …

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TV intervju Ola Tunander om Libya og venstresidens død

TV intervju Ola Tunander om Libya Ola Tunander

  TV intervju Ola Tunander om Libya: Herland Report TV programleder, Hanne Nabintu Herland samtaler med tidligere PRIO forsker, Ola Tunander om Libya krigen, Jonas Gahr Støre, norske overgrep og mangel på vilje til å ta ansvar i ettertid. Vi samtaler også om venstresidens død, hvordan venstrepartier ble krigspartier som glemte sosialdemokratiets kjerne. “Jeg har stemt sosialdemokratisk i 40 år, …

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Few Discuss the Massive Corona Redistribution of Wealth #ElonMusk #BillGates

Elon Musk: People will be super unhappy with High Tech arbiter of free speech: AP

  Herland Report: Few discuss the massive corona redistribution of wealth, but Corona virus makes billionaires’ fortune soar with massive profits. Corona gives big profit for the ultra-rich. Elon Musk is rated the richest man in the world, second only to Jeff Bezos – whose fortune also has rocketed during Corona. Bill Gates, whom Musk recently called a “knucklehead” is …

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The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion Vatican II

The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion: Pope Francis Reuters

  Herland Report: The Protestant and Catholic Church: From Division to Communion: Post Martin Luther, now 500 years down the line, the Church has gone from division to reconciliation, shows a Pew Research Religion report.  The Trumpet gives this report on the matter: From the Catholic perspective, Protestants were the rebels who divided the church against Christ’s clear commands for unity. …

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The 9/11 Attacks: Understanding the Fall-Out from America’s Secret War

The 9/11 Attacks: Understanding the Fall-Out from America's Secret War: Ammo, Herland Report

  Herland Report:  On September 11, 2001 the world was in shock as the World Trade Center buildings melted to the ground in a massive showdown of power. Nearly 3000 were killed and the United States launched its war on terror and Islamism. Since then, we have had endless wars. Country after country in the Middle East has erupted in …

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Kommunisme, mangelsamfunn og ateistisk statskontroll

The Marxist West: Marxist America: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Ateistisk statskontroll: Alle kommunistiske land i historien har vært materielle mangelsamfunn. Torgrim Titlestad (et.al.) sier i boken ”Revolusjonens Barn” (2019) at Bolsjevik regimet i Russland allerede fra starten hadde de elementer som må til for å bygge et totalitært regime. Dette omfattet blant annet statlig monopol over alle naturressurser og alle produksjonsmidler og over distribusjon av goder, dette som …

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Sergei Lavrov, et intervju med Russlands utenriksminister

Intervju med Russlands utenriksminister, Sergei Lavrov, ITV

    Herland Report: Den 12. februar viste russisk tv et timeslangt intervju med Russlands utenriksminister siden 2004, Sergej Lavrov, som stjernejournalisten Vladimir Solovjov hadde laget. Lavrov regnes ikke for å være den som trekker opp russisk utenrikspolitikk, men han er en av verdens dyktigste diplomater, og hans uttalelser kan betraktes som et uttrykk for hvilket syn den russiske eliten har …

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Sløseriombudsmannen – How Artists Squander Public Money – Cave of Apelles

Sløseriombudsmannen - The Squander Ombudsman, Cave of Apelles, Nerdrum School, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Norwegian government’ reported squandering of public funds has become somewhat of a a Facebook phenomenon thanks to the Norwegian commentator who calls himself Sløseriombudsmannen – which means “The Squander Ombudsman”. Wearing a Venetian mask, the man behind the social media account visits Cave of Apelles to discuss how artists are reportedly wasting taxpayers’ money through the …

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Corrupt politicians and foreign governments bankrupt America

Exclusive interview John Whitehead: Herland Report

  Herland Report: John Whitehead: Our nation is being preyed upon by a military industrial complex that is propped up by war profiteers, corrupt politicians and foreign governments. America has so much to offer—creativity, ingenuity, vast natural resources, a rich heritage, a beautifully diverse populace, a freedom foundation unrivaled anywhere in the world, and opportunities galore. And yet our birthright …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite