Paradene på Den røde plass i Moskva 9. mai for å markere seieren over Hitler-Tyskland i Den store fedrelandskrigen 1941–45 har utvilsomt en politisk betydning. De bidrar til å fremme samhold og patriotisme. De styrker trolig Putin og den styrende eliten. Og utenlandske statsoverhoders tilstedeværelse eller boikott av festlighetene markerer hvilke land Russland har et godt eller dårlig forhold …
Read More »Venezuela: A display of U.S Empire in critical decline, Joaquin Flores
Herland Report: U.S Empire in critical decline: Venezuelan President pretender Juan Guaido is about to topple the structures of power in Venezuela, mustering an impressive insurgent and popular military force of …. fourteen men. Yes, surely it is absurd. But in the details of this ridiculous looking ‘attempt’ at phase n of the coup, so very much needs to …
Read More »Pompeo Lies, Cheats and Steals, says Phil Giraldi
Herland Report: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently recounted to an audience at Texas A&M University that when he was head of the Central Intelligence Agency he was responsible for “lying, cheating and stealing” to benefit the United States: “Like we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment,” writes Dr. Phil Giraldi,. He …
Read More »US citizen Khalifa Haftar and Russian ally is doomed to fail
Herland Report: Sasha Toperich: US citizen and long term CIA operative Khalifa Haftar, has been a player on the Libya scene ever since he moved from the US in 2011 to join the NATO war. But it is hard to win a war without the support of the Libyan Tribes, who basically constitute the Libyan civil society. With the …
Read More »Interview: How the Color Revolutions were created – Serbia, Syria
Herland Report: How to create Revolution Serbia, Syria: We had the pleasure of a sit-down with political scientist and editor-in-chief of Fort Russ News, Joaquin Flores about how revolutions are planned, community organized and implemented in order to enhance Western Hegemony. We discuss how the “revolutions” in the Balkan and the so-called Arab Spring were engineered and created phenomenons …
Read More »The three purposes of the successful RussiaGate – Paul C. Roberts
Herland Report: Russiagate has three purposes. One is to prevent President Trump from endangering the vast budget and power of the military/security complex by normalizing relations with Russia. Another, in the words of James Howard Kunstler, is “to conceal the criminal conduct of US government officials meddling in the 2016 election in collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign,” by …
Read More »Sharam Alghasi med ren løgn om Herland Report i Dagbladet
Det er ikke ofte jeg velger å skrive i norske aviser lenger, men ettersom en usedvanlig frekk Sharam Alghasi, Kristiania University College, presenterer ren løgn, ser jeg meg nødt til å imøtegå ham i Dagbladet. Saken gjelder såkalte alternative medier og hva disse står for. Saken er et godt eksempel på den type kulturradikal demonisering som har pågått i …
Read More »Russia Gate was inside job: William Binney and Ray McGovern proved it long ago
Herland Report: In a memo to President Trump, a group of former U.S. intelligence officers, including NSA specialists, cite new forensic studies to challenge the claim of the key Jan. 6 “assessment” that Russia “hacked” Democratic emails last year, wrote Consortium News in 2017, citing the article by NSA whistleblower, William Binney and Ray McGovern. Forensic studies of “Russian …
Read More »Meningsmangfold er folkefiende: Maktretorikk, faktafeil fra Anders Giæver, VG
Herland Report: Maktretorikk, faktafeil fra Anders Giæver VG: VG skandalen har dokumentert at VG fabrikkerte løgn om en av kvinnene som Trond Giske ble kritisert for å behandle dårlig i MeToo saken. Det samme gjaldt en annen kvinne som også bekrefter at VG ikke opptrådte sannferdig. VG produserte løgn for, antar vi, å hjelpe Jonas Gahr-Støre og Hadja Tajik å …
Read More »Russia Gate goes down in history as a remarkable display of American stupidity
In a Fort Russ News article, Hanne Herland writes: In case anybody wonders, we look like idiots to the Russians, not even being able to stop this embarrassing story of lies before. Judicial Watch’ president, Tom Fitton describes Russia Gate as a Deep State coup attempt, an ongoing mutiny against the people’s choice for President in the United States. …
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