Democrats support drug cartels on the Southern border?

drug cartels on the Southern border: hillary-clinton-Getty

  Herland Report: Drug cartels on the Southern border: In a series of articles, we examine the puzzle: Why does the media discourage president Trump’s fight against the illegal activity along US borders? Who profits from open borders if not the American drug cartels whose criminal activity is dependent on illegal access to the US? Who profits the human trafficking? …

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European hypocrisy, we criticize Trump, yet build our own walls

EU immigration wall between Turkey and Syria

  The European hypocrisy when criticizing president Donald Trump wall efforts to stop illegal immigration along the US’ southern border, simply is baffling, writes historian Hanne Herland in one of America’s largest conservative news outlets, World Net Daily. The European mainstream media are tripping over themselves in copying New York Times and Washington Post attitudes. They demonize the “racist” Trump …

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The truth about Trump and why the Media Lies

Covid and Donald Trump: The Truth about Trump: The Coup That Deposed a President, or not yet? CNN, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): The Truth about Trump: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with Paul Craig Roberts about why Democrats and globalists hate Donald Trump so much. What is it with the Trump ideology that threatens the dominion seeking globalists so much? Why is it so horrible to strengthen the middle class in America? “When Donald Trump got elected, instantly …

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The Survival of the Fittest: Orchestrated shootings to accelerate division?

  Herland Report: C. J. Hopkins doesn’t say it, but he shows that within all of the Western countries in which the white core populations are experiencing fierce attack from anti-white ideologues in the media and governments that rule them, there is unity of voice from the media that “Trump is a White Supremist who inspires Terrorism.” This unity of …

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Conspiracy theory = Explanations that Liberals don’t agree with


  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: The FBI has published a document that concludes that “conspiracy theories” can motivate believers to commit crimes. Considering the growing acceptance of pre-emptive arrest, that is, arresting someone before they can commit a crime that they are suspected of planning to commit, challenging official explanations, such as those offered for the assassinations of John …

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Authoritarian Facebook and Google threaten democracy

Facebook ill.

Herland Report: The US Department of Justice has announced it is opening a wide-ranging antitrust review of “market-leading online platforms,” an unprecedented probe of the tech industry that could heighten calls for Amazon, Facebook and Google to be broken up, writes Washington Post. The effort aims to explore “widespread concerns that consumers, businesses, and entrepreneurs have expressed about search, social …

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New York Times articles go to Government for Approval pre Publishing

Elon Musk on the New York Times: New York Times

  The New York Times has publicly acknowledged that it sends some of its stories to the US government for approval from “national security officials” before publication. New York Times articles go to Government for Approval. This confirms what veteran New York Times correspondents like James Risen have said: The American newspaper of record regularly collaborates with the US government, …

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TV Interview: Racial awareness weakens America – Woodley Auguste

TV Interview: Racial awareness weakens America - Woodley Auguste

  The Herland Report TV (HTV): Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to the American PR guru, Woodley Auguste about Identity Politics and how racial awareness weakens the US. “In America, we no longer simply say “I am an American”. It’s more about race now, that is the problem,” says the founder of a U.S. based public relations and marketing consultancy, Woodley …

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Thank God CNN the Lie Factory Is Collapsing

Mass Disinformation: Only 29 % trust US media: Herland Report

  CNN the Lie Factory abandoned journalism and became a propaganda ministry for the Democratic National Committee and the corrupt upper echelons of the CIA and FBI.  After three years of telling the most outrageous lies ever associated with an alleged news organization in an alleged democracy, CNN’s viewership collapsed.    CNN turned propaganda ministry saw its primetime viewers shrink …

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Western Madness: Who are the victims, the vulnerable?


  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: Some readers, both male and female, wondered why I came to the defense of feminist Laura Tanner.  Why not, I was asked, let a MeTwo babe experience the name-calling and stress that feminists dish out to men and “women apologists for men”? Justice is part of the answer.  Another part of the answer is …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite