Let Libya decide fate of Libya Libya demonstrations against Palermo Conference

#Palermo Let Libya decide fate of Libya – Saif al-Islam Gaddafi


Herland Report: Protests are held in Libyan cities, such as Tobruk, Benghazi, Aghdabia, Al-Jebel al-Akhdar criticizing the Palermo Conference, stating that Libyan matters should be decided on Libyan soil, reports from the ground confirm. Let Libya decide fate of Libya.

If democracy is to have any validity, it is the Libyan people who should be free to choose their candidates and national conferences held in Libya, with rights to self-determination without external interference or guardianship.

The Libyan East, where most of the population is situated, now openly supports the candidacy of Gaddafi’s son, Saif al Islam Gaddafi, for the presidency, reports the delegation’s website, according to Libyan sources.


Libya demonstrations against Palermo Conference. Let Libya decide fate of Libya.
Libya demonstrations against Palermo Conference. Let Libya decide fate of Libya.

The Libyan people are not heard


Various demonstrations that have been held in Libyan cities include meetings with the general Libyan people in Benghazi, Aghdabia, Al-Jebel al-Akhdar and Tobruk. They reportedly confirm their support for holding the elections as the only way to solve the Libyan crisis.

Linda Ulstein Ait Arezki.
The photographs from inside Libya, courtesy of the President and Founder of the Norwegian Organization for Human Rights in Libya, Mme. Linda Ulstein Ait Arezki.

The Libyan Popular Front demonstrations strongly assert that Western forces cannot forge peace in Libya without listening to the voice of the Libyans. Many now openly support the candidacy of Dr. Saif al-Islam son of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi for the presidency.

The Libyan Popular Front describes Saif al-Islam under the slogan of “Mandela Libya” as the strong candidate to unite all Libyans, provide amnesty and tolerance as well as implementing fundamental human rights in Libya for all. There is also the demand to revive and complete the projects from 2012/2013 of Libya tomorrow, with new constitutions and proper state institutions.

How can peace be forged outside Libya, without Libyan people’s consent? What is democracy, if the Libyan people are not allowed to decide in their own country? And “national conferences” are held far from Libyan soil?




Demonstrations in the city of Tobruk, Libya.The claim  is that the West wishes to hold conferences outside of Libya in order to stop Libyan candidates from participating, such as the late son of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya has long criticized the Western approach for neo-colonialism post 2011, as the France, Italy and the EU do not allow Libya free, democratic elections.


War lord rule and human rights violations in Libya

The ICC case against al-Islam is widely believed to be the political instrument for the West to hinder the democratic process in Libya by refusing the Libya East to vote for their candidate.

Libya demonstrations against Palermo Conference Let Libya decide fate of Libya
Let Libya decide fate of Libya.

The Libyan situation is still a chaos, seven years after NATO intervened in 2011 and overthrew the Yamahiriyya government and killed Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

The Western embarrassment being that the 2011 supported ousting of Muammar Gaddafi wasn’t exactly the success that the West was hoping for. The West has since been ridiculed the world over for its inability to bring peace to the nations into which internal affairs the US and allies often interfere.

The current war lord rule continually destabilizes Libya and keeps the nation under a terror regime where no one has control.

Since then civil war broke out, shocking media lies in 2011 were revealed and today various militia groups hold the population hostage in a terror regime few thought possible a few years ago.



EU tries to solve Libya without listening to Libyans


The EU has been engaged in trying to solve the Libyan crisis, and has its own ideas about who should lead the country. France recently failed in its attempts to forge peace. Now it is Italy’s turn – with the support of US president Donald Trump. The Palermo conference was held on November 12-13.

France, the UK and the EULibya demonstrations against Palermo Conference have quite a hand into the matter of Libyan elections and the development in the country. The paradox, of course, being that Western elites seem bent on continuing to decide who is to rule Libya – the negation of a “free election”.

It’s become quite an aching tooth to the EU and US, and yet another testament of the failing ability to provide justice and fairness to the foreign lands it aspires to control.

The son of Colonel Gaddafi has risen to prominence under efforts to reunite Libya and will probably run for president in the next elections, an independent French negotiator told The Times.

Against the odds, Saif al-Islam, 46, is alive and at liberty seven years after a NATO air campaign helped to overthrow his father. Since his release last year by a militia in Zintan he has been in internal “asylum” in the northwest of the country and remains a powerful influence on Libya’s future. (Feature photo: Dr. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, Sputnik)

“Saif is a symbol to reconciliation,” said Jean-Yves Ollivier, the French negotiator at the centre of efforts for Libyan peace. “We don’t discuss politics but he passes me messages. He wants elections, and is convinced that if he were to run, the Libyan people will unitedly choose his leadership, writes The Sunday Times.



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