Tag Archives: big government

How Big Government Special Interests destroys Democracy: Milton Friedman

Big Government Special Interests destroys Democracy: Milton Friedman

   In a time where the West is entering an age of socialist totalitarianism, the message of the famous economist Milton Friedman may be revisited. In 1993, he published a groundbreaking essay on “Why Government Is the Problem,” pointing out that the influence of special interests often ends up overruling the interests of the people. As politicians and bureaucrats become …

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Weaponizing the Bureaucracy: An overgrown Executive will not long be Companions to Liberty

Hyper Globalism is over: Ammo

  The IRS has stockpiled 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition in recent years, including 621 shotguns, 539 long-barrel rifles and 15 submachine guns. The Veterans Administration (VA) purchased 11 million rounds of ammunition (equivalent to 2,800 rounds for each of their officers), along with camouflage uniforms, riot helmets and shields, specialized image enhancement devices and tactical lighting. The Department …

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Aldous Huxley interview: Technology, big government, big business pose grave danger

Dystopian World: Hanne Nabintu Herland on the Aldous Huxley interview, 1958 Brave New World

  Herland Report:  Aldous Huxley interview: As we now live in the globalist-capitalist billionaire controlled transnational system, accelerated massively by Covid-19, we are gradually returning to the feudalist structure of the Middle Ages as the few and wealthy own almost everything. And surveil it all. The working class and middle classes will increasingly become the new slave class to the globalist, …

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Lessons from the WACO scandal: Big Government produces Big Atrocities

Lessons from the WACO scandal: Big Government produces Big Atrocities:  Ron Paul

  Herland Report: Lessons from the WACO scandal: Big Government produces Big Atrocities: April 19 was the 28th anniversary of one of the most shameful episodes in modern American history: the massacre of 76 innocent men, women, and children by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) in a military-style assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, …

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EXCLUSIVE with Dr. Ron Paul on Quenching Liberty in America

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  Herland Report TV: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with Dr. Ron Paul from The Liberty Report about Liberty being quenched in America. In several new TV shows on YouTube, we present Dr. Paul as well as many other leading American intellectuals. “Do you think we should build up armies and march over to the Middle East because we have this …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite