Tag Archives: cancer

New Cancer Tsunami expected from 2025: Those younger than 50 are most affected, spiking since the Covid vaccines began in 2021

Cancer Tsunami expected from 2025: Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines: PAHO

  An alarming increase in cancer among younger Americans, noteworthy those under 50, is set to top 2 million individuals in 2024, according to new American Cancer Society data. Cancer Tsunami expected from 2025: With the highest projections of cancer instances in history, where those younger than 50 are most affected, spiking since the Covid vaccines began in 2021, many suspect …

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The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal is Beyond Your Wildest Nightmare

Useless Covid-19 Face Masks: The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal: Modern Atheist Religion: Dr. Fauci, Getty

  Herland Report: The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal: The premise behind COVID shot mandates and vaccine passports was that by taking the shot, you would protect others, as it would prevent infection and spread of COVID-19. In early October 2022, during a COVID hearing in the European Parliament, Dutch member Rob Roos questioned Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, …

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COVID Jab Effects? Dramatic cancer and health conditions on the rise

Death From COVID Shots: PAHO photo

  Herland Report: COVID Jab Effects? In the wake of the COVID jab rollout and additional boosters, a number of health conditions are on the rise, including cancer, most notably cancers of the uterus, endometrial cancers, and very aggressive blood and brain cancers. Cancer has been on the rise for decades, thanks to dietary factors, but the COVID jabs appear to …

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Spillet med 5G og helseskader: EU byråkratiet bekrefter voksende uro

5G og helseskader: EU byråkratiet bekrefter voksende uro:Einar Flydal Herland Report

  Herland Report:  5G og helseskader: EU byråkratiet bekrefter voksende uro. Einar Flydal leverte nylig skrap kritikk av Faktisk.no journalistene Silje S. Skiphamn, Morten Langfeldt Dahlback og Mina Liavik Karlsens undersøkelse av påstanden: «Mobilstråling påvirker immunforsvaret slik at man lettere får influensa.» Nå styrkes kritikken ytterligere. En gang i februar sendte Europaparlamentets utredningsstab, EPRS, ut en 10-siders utredning til parlamentets …

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Norway: Ground Breaking Book on 5G Health Hazard – Einar Flydal

Einar Flydal ny bok 5G Herland Report

  Herland Report: A ground breaking book on 5G with proof of health hazard has been published in Norway, 5G og vår trådløse virkelighet. The authors, Einar Flydal, Else Nordhagen, Martin L. Pall, David Carpenter, Cindy Sage, Lennart Hardell, Bård-Rune Martinsen and Christian F. Jensenprovide scientific proof of 5G coming dangers, Z Forlag. This book represents a break through event …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite