Tag Archives: illiberal

Ny bok av Hanne Nabintu Herland TYRANNI, oppgjøret med «totalitær intoleranse»

Det rasefokuserte Norge: Herland Report

  BOK: Denne uken lanseres Hanne Nabintu Herlands bok Tyranni – hvordan venstresiden ble den nye herskerklassen på Ventura forlag. Den nymarxistiske bevegelsen i etterkrigstiden begynte med nødvendig maktkritikk, men utviklet seg til å selv bli den nye herskerklassen, fremholder Hanne Nabintu Herland i sin nyeste bok, skriver Tor-Bjørn Nordgåaard i Norge Idag. Kjøp den rykende ferske, nytenkende boken her! …

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Long overdue anti trust lawsuit against censoring monopolist Google

Long overdue anti trust lawsuit against censoring monopolist, illiberal Google, NYTimes

  Herland Report: Who could have imagined that the West would implement the same type of totalitarian structures that brought Germany to its knees during World War II? Yet, here we are in the age of censorship and authoritarianism, Conservative pages and others almost completely shut down by Google. Diversity and pluralism is the enemy now. This was the very …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite