Tag Archives: injustice

Censorship exists to prevent intellectuals from challenging existing institutions

TV Interview: Racial awareness weakens America - Woodley Auguste

  Censorship rears a beastly new head in every era. For “corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens,” Socrates, Western philosophy’s founding moral philosopher, was sentenced to death. The unthinkable crime of translating the Bible into English was punishable by excommunication in Medieval Europe – John Wycliffe escaped by the skin of his teeth. Victor Hugo, whose epic Les Misérables has …

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Race in America: Bishop Harry Jackson on the need to heal the divide

Exclusive interview: US Bishop Harry Jackson says illegal immigration is New Slavery, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Exclusive: Hanne Nabintu Herland interviews leading American black pastor about tribalism and reconciliation. At The Herland Report YouTube channel we regularly have the privilege of sit downs with leading intellectuals, bestselling authors and activists. In a divisive time, the wisdom of the forefront spiritual leader, Bishop Harry Jackson, in the Herland Report exclusive interview below, gives Christian perspectives to the current hatred and ethnic …

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Racism in South Africa: New era of Black, not White Apartheid – Hanne Nabintu

Racism in South Africa: South African ANC leader and President, Cyril Ramaphosa. AP.

  Herland Report: Racism in South Africa: FOX’ Tucker Carlson recently addressed one of the minority-issues that are not exactly popular to speak about: Racism against whites in South Africa. In accordance with the narrative infused into Western thinking since the 1960’s and reinforced with the identity movement, the only racism that is worth fighting is “whites against blacks”. To …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite