Tag Archives: Islamism

Imitating Islam in Persecuting Christians: The Woke War on the Christian Cross

The 15 Years That Destroyed America: The Arctic Fox Cometh Imitating Islam in Persecuting Christians: Mission St. Gabriel, California, Church burning has come to America, just like ISIS burned churches in the Middle EastUSA

  Herland Report: Imitating Islam in Persecuting Christians: In many ways, the “secular Left” and Islam appear to be diametrically opposed: the Left is sexually promiscuous, Islam isn’t; the Left believes in countless genders, Islam doesn’t; the Left believes in all sorts of freedoms, Islam believes only in draconian sharia — and so on and so forth. When it comes to …

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Afghanistan displays the United States as a Failed State unable to protect its own

The United States as a Failed State: Afghanistan Kabul Getty

  Herland Report: The United States as a Failed State: As the United States seemingly flees Afghanistan in what is deemed “Saigon on steroids,” America demonstrates to the whole world its inability to protect its own citizens, the decadent state of its military, the utter failure of the neo-con push to “end extremist Islamism,” the sad display of President Biden, as …

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Orlando massacre was not anti-LGBT hatred, but anger over Syria and Iraq War

Orlando massacre was not anti-LGBT: Getty

  Herland Report: Orlando massacre was not anti-LGBT: The Enduring False Narrative About the PULSE Massacre Shows the Power of Media Propaganda. Politicians and activists should stop ratifying the fiction that Omar Mateen was motivated by anti-LGBT hatred. It dishonors the victims and obscures the real motive. On the fifth anniversary of the PULSE nightclub massacre in Orlando, numerous senators, politicians …

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Islamic Persecution of Christians seldom criticized in the West


  Herland Report:  Why does the Liberal West so often refuse to criticize Islamic persecution of Christians in the Middle East?  The past years, we have seen a near genocidal situation for minorities, millions of Christians leaving the Middle East. At the same time and since the 1980’s, the Wahhabi radicalization of Islam has swept through the Middle Eastern Muslim communities, …

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Persecution: Churches burn all over France, 1000 vandalized in one year #HagiaSophia

Persecution: Churches burn all over France, 1000 churches vandalized in one year #HagiaSophia, AFP Herland Report

  Herland Report: As the Byzantine architectural masterpiece, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, Istanbul is turned into a mosque, the focus of Islamist intolerance against religious plurality is again in focus.  Hagia Sophia has been seen as a symbol of the secular nature of modern Turkey. With the dramatic change in the status of the original Orthodox Christian church, many view …

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Historic Constantinople Hagia Sophia becomes Mosque – Islamist Intolerance

The origins of Human Rights is Christian theology: Hanne Nabintu Herland Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, Istanbul, Turkey, Orthodox Christianity, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The iconic, historic monument, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, Istanbul is now turned into a mosque, reflecting the Islamist intolerance for religious plurality in the Middle East. Hagia Sophia is a center piece artwork of Orthodox Christianity, which dominated the Middle East before the Islamic Conquest from the 600s AD onward. “Sophia” means “divine wisdom” in Greek and …

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Hanne Herland #RT interview: We destroyed Libya

Hanne Herland Report RT

  Herland Report: Highlighting Libya again: Blundering Western policy in the Middle East and elsewhere empowered Islamism and led to a massive increase in the persecution of Christians. “We don’t know what we are doing abroad, any more than at home. The full impact of Western intervention in Libya was recently highlighted during a televised interview of Worlds Apart. Hanne …

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TV interview Yitzhak Santis: Political Islamism is not the religion of Islam

TV interview Yitzhak Santis: Political Islamism is not the religion of Islam Herland Report

  Herland Report (HTV): “Islamism is an ideology, it is not a religion. It is not the religion of Islam. And these radical Islamist movements are a major threat to Liberal democratic societies,” says Yitzhak Santis, senior writer and analyst at StandWithUs, an Israeli organization that counters Western antisemitism. He is a former chief programs officer at NGO Monitor.Watch the …

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Hijab er politisk islamistisk plagg som viser at man er imot arabisk nasjonalisme – Walid al-Kubaisi

Hijab er politisk islamistisk, Walid al Kubaisi, Herland Report

  Forfatter Walid al-Kubaisi er blant de få som både har inngående kunnskap om den muslimske verden, men også er villig til å snakke om hva som skjer bak “det muslimske sløret”. Vi anser Walid al-Kubaisi som Norges viktigste intellektuelle på temaet innvandring og hva som skjer bak fasaden i innvandrermiljøer både i Norge og i Midtøsten. Han etterlyser i denne artikkelen …

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Life under Saudi Arabia + Qatar Islamists: Christians tortured, raped, crucified for not converting to Islam – Raymond Ibrahim

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Raymond Ibrahim will be a regular contributor to The Herland Report, generously allowing us to publish his articles. Ibrahim is of Egyptian decent and a strong voice against the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, especially critical of the politicized sunni-Islamist movement that fuels sectarian strife between groups in the region. He has famously stated that the US …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite