Tag Archives: Israel

The Meaning of Life and need for Spiritual Awakening

Christian Values formed Western Civilization: Herland Report

  In the increasingly anti-religious West, many search for the meaning of life but fail to reach inner awakening. As economic depression and the level of psychological stress is gaining momentum, the lack of peace becomes an even greater problem for many. The spiritual knowledge that once was embedded in the culture is no longer there, writes historian of comparative …

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The Liberal hatred of “Merry Christmas” and Religious Traditions

"A Christmas Carol" av Charles Dickens, The Liberal hatred of Merry Christmas and Religious Traditions, Herland Report

  The radical Liberal, atheist clampdown on the true meaning of Christmas has never been worse. The Liberal hatred of “Merry Christmas” produces excess focus on the ocean of gnomes, trolls and secularized Walt Disney – Santa Clauses on their endless rides to and from the North Pole. “Merry Christmas” now is rebranded “Happy Holidays,” as if to hide its …

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My Memories of Henry Kissinger: A different Interpretation of the Man

My Memories of Henry Kissinger AP: Paul Craig Roberts, Henry Kissinger, Indiana Express

  Henry Kissinger at 100 years of age left the world he temporarily altered for the better after watching the neoconservatives in the Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden regimes wipe out his accomplishments. My Memories of Henry Kissinger: Kissinger was not a neoconservative who believed in US hegemony over the world.  He believed in stability.  American power was to …

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Sex Wars: Fall of Western Dominance as Testosterone drop

The Testosterone Hypothesis is written by Roy Barzilai, Tel Aviv.

  Roy Barzilai: We live in a period of history in which intensifying gender, race and religious wars are leading to political disputes over nationalism versus globalism. This is threatening Western liberty with a return to primitive tribalism, writes Roy Barzilai at The Herland Report.  What is it that drives us toward sex, fuels life, and makes death inevitable? As …

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Israel over 90 % vaccinated, yet hospitals are full of Covid patients

Israel over 90 % vaccinated: Helrand Report

  Herland Report: Israel over 90 % vaccinated: According to reports from Israel, the population there is 90% vaccinated and boostered with some on 4 jabs, and hospitals are full of Omicron patients and so many doctors and nurses are themselves sick that there is no one to care for the patients. What is going on? First of all, here …

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Pax Americana Fascism: The U.S. Militarist Finance System’ connection to the Warfare State

America’s Stolen Guns:American Collapse: Ammo

  Herland Report: Pax Americana Fascism: A handful of the largest investment firms on the planet own pretty much everything, as intertwined with the western financial/monetary structure at the top; but that’s just one major element of control. Understanding Pax Americana aggression whether by “color revolutions” or the creation of failed states, requires more than an understanding of its overall funding (monopoly …

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A Saudi-Iran alliance: Fanaticism at the service of the United States?

  Herland Report: A Saudi-Iran alliance: Since President Joe Biden took office, the United States has attempted to engage in negotiations with Iran to restore the secret agreement it signed under President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the Iranian nuclear negotiations. Let us remember that the 5+1 negotiations (the five members of the Security Council + Germany) with Iran began …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite