Tag Archives: Jesus

Existential inner peace in the midst of turmoil

Western Secular Values: Hanne Nabintu Herland, foto Steffen Aaland

  The 20th century introduced Marxist, atheist emptiness to the masses in the West. It may be argued that with it came the notion of life as a meaningless burden. With no heaven ahead and no hell to fear, the conscience was deemed an unnecessary relic from the past. Only the empirically observable was to be considered real, eternity regarded …

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The search for meaning beyond Materialism

The Declining West: The search for meaning beyond Materialism. Hanne Nabintu Herland

  In the West, many now search for the meaning of life but fail to reach the inner awakening and peace the generations before us spoke of. We live in a culture where depression, loneliness, drugs and hedonism dominate. There is little or no reverence for the values that once made the West a strong civilization. The spiritual knowledge that …

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The Easter Message of Jesus Christ: The symbol of a New Beginning

The Easter message of Jesus Christ: Herland Report, Istanbul, Hagia Sofia

  It is Easter. We celebrate the Easter message of Jesus Christ as he was willing to suffer an excruciating death in order to give his life for the redemption of human kind. Those who attempt to follow Christ, are to take up their cross and follow his example in love for humanity, writes Hanne Nabintu Herland for World Net …

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The Meaning of Easter: The Global Message of Love

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Jesus Christ golden mosaic, Herland Report

  The life and legacy of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian Easter celebrations of God’s love for humankind. The world over, billions of followers gather to commemorate the global message that the spiritual world joined the material realm as God gave his grace to the fallen and thoroughly corrupted human race. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ …

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Why do we celebrate Easter? Five answers from Billy Graham

Why do we celebrate Easter? Five answers from Billy Graham, Herland Report

  Billy Graham was a leading spiritual leader who preached to hundreds of millions during his life time. He served as a minister to presidents, statesmen and world leaders and held crusades all over the world. His answers to central spiritual questions about the meaning of life and the afterlife is central. Why do we celebrate the Christian holiday of …

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Mental Health: The importance of Moral Standards and Self-Discipline

Mental Health: The Meaning of Life: Herland Report

  Reflection on how the spiritual dimension affects our practical lives is more important than ever. There are natural laws, spiritual principles that influence our mental health, whether we believe in them or not. For example, when Jesus said “you will reap what you sow,” he spoke of a law of nature that works regardless of what we think of …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite