Tag Archives: Jews

Kanye West, Hitler and the Left’s NAZI ideology

The Left's NAZI ideology: The NAZI National Socialism in Germany World War II: Herland Report

  The famous musician, Kanye West recently declared his admiration for Adolf Hitler in an interview with Alex Jones. West said that he sees good things about Hitler whom he likes for his “redeeming qualities”, as he questioned the Holocaust. And of late, he been very angry at Jewish Hollywood leaders and reportedly Jews in general, writes historian of comparative …

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Islamic Religious Syncretism: How Islam Mutilates Christ

How Islam Overcame the West: Islamic Religious Syncretism: Istanbul, Hagia Sophia, Turkey

  Herland Report: Islamic Religious Syncretism: Not only does Islam claim Abraham, Moses, and Jesus; it apparently claims post biblical figures, such as Saint George, as well.  So states a recent article on My London, the real point of which is apparently to assert Christian and Muslim “commonalities.” Thus, we learn that “on St George’s Day, which in Eastern Christianity is marked on May …

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How Russian Jews Changed Israel

Israel over 90 % vaccinated: Helrand Report

  Herland Report: Gary C. Gambill: How Russian Jews Changed Israel: Alex Selsky, CEO of the World Israel Beytenu movement, former adviser of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, lecturer at the School of Politics and Journalism at Hadassah Academic College in Jerusalem, spoke to participants in a recent Middle East Forum webinar (video) about the role of Jewish immigrants (olim) from …

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Islamic Persecution of Christians seldom criticized in the West


  Herland Report:  Why does the Liberal West so often refuse to criticize Islamic persecution of Christians in the Middle East?  The past years, we have seen a near genocidal situation for minorities, millions of Christians leaving the Middle East. At the same time and since the 1980’s, the Wahhabi radicalization of Islam has swept through the Middle Eastern Muslim communities, …

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The Jewish question: Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews?

Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Carneval in Belgium, 2020.

  Herland Report: Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? As the pre-war caricatures of Jews again permeate Europe, Hanne Nabintu Herland ponders why Marxists and Socialist always seem to hate the Jews and Israel.  To cite Benny Avni in the New York Post: “Carnival marchers in the Belgian town of Aalst were dressed up as Jewish caricatures, as if …

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Growing British racism against the Jewish Minority: Jeremy Corbyn and Israel

Growing British racism against the Jewish Minority: Jeremy Corbyn

  Herland Report:  Racism, the practice of judging individuals and groups solely based on ethnic origin, is a long standing cultural problem in Europe. In Left wing politics it is apparent in the denigrating view of non-Western immigrants who are chronically viewed as victims that “must be helped into the welfare system,” insinuating that they are not able to help …

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Russiske oligarker er jøder, Putin forsvarer stadig jøder, angriper antisemittisme – Bjørn Nistad

Russiske oligarker er jøder, Putin forsvarer stadig jøder Bjørn Nistad

  De fleste såkalte alternative medier har et positivt forhold til Putin og Russland. Det er naturlig siden de i likhet med den russiske presidenten gjerne er kritiske til globalisering og for nasjonal suverenitet og tradisjonelle verdier. De er ofte også kritiske til amerikansk utenrikspolitikk, skriver Bjørn Nistad. Et unntak er Hans Rustad og Document.no som har bedrevet en monoman …

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TV serien Jerusalem: Hvorfor støtter Norge de totalitære i Midtøsten? Manfred Gerstenfeld

Manfred Gerstenfeld, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Dokumentaren i ti deler, “Jerusalem med Hanne Nabintu Herland” omhandler hvordan intellektuelle, aktivister og forskere i Midtøsten ser på Vesten og vårt engasjement i krigene i Midtøsten. I dette programmet samtaler vi med forretningsmannen Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld. Serien viser nye perspektiver på gamle konflikter, sett fra den konservative vinkelen, et perspektiv vi sjelden hører fra i norske …

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Radical Left turned Norway into most anti-Semitic in the West

Herbert Marcuse and the New Left' strategy to silence the Majority: Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: Radical Left turned Norway into most anti-Semitic in the West: Since World War II, we have changed from being supportive to the Labour Party “Kibbutz culture” of Jews fleeing from Holocaust, to becoming a dinstictively anti-Israel society. This article looks at Norway, first published in 2012. In my view, the Radical neo-Marxist Left has turned Norway into …

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