Tag Archives: Kabul

Afghanistan – Eric Prince Private Contractor Blackwater continue while American Army goes home?

Afghanistan: Eric Prince Private Contractor Blackwater: Daily Mail

  Herland Report: Eric Prince Private Contractor Blackwater: As the public is informed about the official American military moving out of heroin producing Afghanistan, is the new phase in the geopolitical powerplay all about private contractors taking over, working alongside the Taliban? Or is the American army simply leaving the extremely lucrative heroin production in Afghanistan that is said to produce …

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Afghanistan displays the United States as a Failed State unable to protect its own

The United States as a Failed State: Afghanistan Kabul Getty

  Herland Report: The United States as a Failed State: As the United States seemingly flees Afghanistan in what is deemed “Saigon on steroids,” America demonstrates to the whole world its inability to protect its own citizens, the decadent state of its military, the utter failure of the neo-con push to “end extremist Islamism,” the sad display of President Biden, as …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite