There are clear contradictions between the World Health Organization’s directives regarding the need for COVID shots in Africa and the actual situation on the ground.’ Covid Spared Africa: The WHO is still calling on all countries to get the COVID jab into at least 70% of their populations, and warns that developing countries are at grave risk due to …
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The Looting of Africa under corrupt African leaders? George Soros Open Society
Herland Report: In light of the current globalist trend where financial acrobats are rigging and manipulating the financial markets in an unprecedented scale, Africa is a continent worth looking at. Hedge fund managers such as George Soros has long been invested in the continent, this article explains how. Anglo-Dutch cartels in oil, strategic minerals, and diamonds, have looted and …
Read More »China takes ownership of Covid Africa through Debt
Herland Report: Since the 2008 global financial crisis, China has steadily increased its direct lending to developing countries – often with draconian conditions attached. Debt moratoria during the pandemic, while important, will not solve this problem. The pandemic is confronting highly indebted poor countries with a fateful dilemma. As Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, lamented last April, …
Read More »Rwanda President Kagame criticizes African Leaders for lack of Responsibility
Herland Report: In the wake of NATO’s new war in Africa, the modern Scramble of Africa where the US/NATO are stepping up the trade war on China, where are the voice of the African leaders? [pullquote]Kagame: African leaders go to Europe for the photo opportunity, to sit with the president of France to talk about Africa’s problems.[/pullquote] How do they …
Read More »Hanne Nabintu Herland og Pamela Anderson – utdrag BA
Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland ser ut som Pamela Anderson og var 19 år, da hun flyttet fra Afrika til Norge, skriver BA. Etter å ha utmerket seg i norske medier en årrekke, blant annet med flere bestselgende bøker som Alarm og Respekt, trakk hun seg tilbake fra aktiv mediedeltagelse og etablerte The Herland Report som har fått stor …
Read More »Muslim Persecution of Christians 2019 – Raymond Ibrahim
At The Herland Report we address the steady persecution of Christians world wide, and especially in Muslim countries where the tolerance for Christians is exceptionally low. This is not a politically-correct topic, as the media in the West chronically avoids describing the horrific persecution against those who are not Muslims in Islamic countries. Read Islamic scholar, Raymond Ibrahim’s account: …
Read More »Hanne Nabintu Herland portrett i Essensielt: Skarp observatør og intellektuell
Blond og fager som en herværende Baywatch-nymfe. Samtid en sylskarp observatør og intellektuell som med sine to bestselgende debattbøker ”Alarm!” og ”Respekt!” har skapt en åpen råk i et ellers tilfrosset norsk debattlandskap. (Foto: Paul Bernhard) Er det rart det blir bråk og ståk når Hanne Nabintu Herland entrer foredragssalene og TV-studioene med høye hæler og gestikulerende med armer, …
Read More »African Union blame Norway for Sudan Civil War 2013: Political Foreign Aid
Herland Report: Norway’s role in the politization of NGOs using foreign aid as a means to control African countries has received much criticism over the years. Remarkably little of this harsh criticism is reflected in the mainstream Norwegian media. The Norwegian involvement in South Sudan, both in setting up the state and consequently the following civil war is an …
Read More »Det raseorienterte norske samfunnet
Herland Report: Det raseorienterte norske samfunnet: I kjølvannet av årets innsamlingsaksjon til Leger Uten Grenser, har bilder av utsultede barn i Afrika igjen rullet over TV skjermene. (Foto:VG) Vi ser ut til å ha endeløse rekker med TV opptak av depriverte og fattige mennesker fra andre kulturer, og har vi ikke nok reiser vi stadig til fremmede land for å fange …
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