Tag Archives: Macron

How Nation State Governments are turned into Servants of the Billionaire Elites

Servants to the Billionaire Elites: The foolishness of our leaders: Megathreats, deglobalization and the end of European greatness: Getty Madrid 2022

  In history, Western politicians were voted into office in order to protect the interests of the people. Their job was to defend national borders, secure citizens’ rights, provide justice and guard national resources from outside predators.  In order to avoid that the upper classes corrupted the system and found ways to expropriate national assets into their own hands, it …

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French Military Warns Again of the Disintegration of France

Neocons Sacrifice the Ukrainians: News putin ukraine

  Herland Report: French Military Warns: In 1976 Jean Raspail described the future fate of France in The Camp of the Saints.  France is disintegrating precisely as Raspail described. The French military is being punished by the traitorous French government for giving truthful and patriotic warnings, but in Europe today national patriotism is regarded as fascism. In place of an ethnic …

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Banning state leaders, going totalitarian will end Big Tech

US Propaganda Ministry: Banning state leaders, going totalitarian will end Big Tech:

  Herland Report: Banning state leaders, going totalitarian will end Big Tech: Who wants to stay on totalitarian Facebook, Twitter after this? Social media tyrants are now facing a backlash from world leaders, presidents and shocked individuals alike.  The leaders of Germany, France, the EU, Mexico and others react with horror at the totalitarian push by US Big Tech to …

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Beheaded Infidels Versus Fear of Islamophobia – Macron ramping up

  Herland Report: Fear of Islamophobia: An 18-year-old Muslim man beheaded a school teacher in France last Friday for showing cartoons of Islam’s prophet Muhammad to his students, in the context of discussing free speech and expression. Some weeks earlier, another Muslim teenager killed an American citizen in Pakistan for also committing “blasphemy.” The murdered man, Tahir Naseem, was actually …

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Corona definerer slutten på åpne grenser i Europa – Marine Le Pen

marine-le-pen-euro-parliament-victory The Nation

  Herland Report: Marine Le Pen uttaler at “nasjonalstaten vil få sitt come back i årene fremover. Folk vil ha grenser og trygghet i egne nasjoner. Åpne grenser kommer til å være et avsluttet kapittel i Europa.” [pullquote]En av følgene av Corona skandalen er at svakheten ved globalismens åpne grenser og samkjørte statsledere som følger hverandre i ett og alt, …

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World Holocaust Forum: Holocaust was Jewish and Universal Tragedy – Prince Of Wales


  Herland Report: The president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, US vice president Mike Pence joined the historic ceremony in Jerusalem, the largest ever, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz extermination camp and combating anti-Semitism.  (World Holocaust Forum 2020. HRH The Prince of Wales addressing the audience. Feature photo: Herland Report.) More than 1.1 million …

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EU mislyktes i mekling om Ukraina, toppmøtet Paris – Bjørn Nistad

Neocons Sacrifice the Ukrainians: News putin ukraine

Herland Report: Den 9. desember møttes Russlands president Vladimir Putin og Ukrainas president Vladimir Zelenskij i Paris for å drøfte konflikten i Øst-Ukraina med Frankrikes president Emmanuel Macron og Tysklands forbundskansler Angela Merkel som meklere. Zelenskij var ikke villig til å gi Donetsk og Lugansk en særskilt status, slik de såkalte Minsk-avtalene fra 2015 forutsetter. Og Putin var ikke villig til å …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite