Tag Archives: nuclear

Europe signs its own death warrant, says Paul Craig Roberts

Europe signs its own death warrant Paul Craig Roberts, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): “If there is a war, Europe is going to disappear. The Russians have already said that they will not fight another war on their territory. There are no independent governments in Europe, Washington owns them.  No European leader represent the interests of their country over the interest of Washington. All of them have enabled Washington’s …

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Russian nuclear arsenal restores world bipolarity?- Voltaire

While the experts were wondering about the possible evolution of the world order towards a multipolar system, or even a simple tripolar system, the sudden advances of Russian military technology force the return to a bipolar organisation. Let’s take another look at what we have learned over the last three years, until the President Putin’s revelations on 1 March 2018, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite