Tag Archives: pakistan

Ukraine-Russia War: Europe will be the Economic Loser

The American quest to weaken Europe: EU Getty

  Herland Report: Ukraine-Russia War: The strategy of imposing economic sanctions in order to hurt Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, may produce an economic fallout that is different from what the leadership in Europe currently expects. The question is who will the sanctions hurt the most? Who will be the the economic losers from the steadily widened Ukraine-Russia conflict …

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Hvorfor behovet for demonisering av muslimer?

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hvorfor behovet for demonisering av muslimer? Vestlige regjeringer har aktivt bidratt til destruksjon av en rekke Midtøsten stater. Vi trives godt med å «bombe deres land», men får sjokk når de vil «bombe oss». Den synkroniserte demoniseringen av «folkeslag vi misliker», inneholder en rasetenkning med sterke sosialdarwinistiske undertoner. Noen anses som «bunnsjiktet i utviklingen» og vi selv, …

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Obama War president got Nobel Peace Prize

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Many hoped for peace when Barack Obama won the USA election in 2008. In Europe, everyone was satisfied by USA’s progressive choice and thrilled to be rid of Republican George Bush. It definitely added to the thrill that Obama was a man of color, which led to Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize …

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China’s New Silk Road through Syria provokes the US: The Sanctions only help China’s power to grow

China's New Silk Road

  Herland Report: “While the US troops on the borders of Russia and Iran are generally considered intimidation/provocation tactics aimed at Moscow and Tehran, the broader reality is that America intends to use its troops as speed-bumps in China’s New Silk Road”, writes Sott.net.  “NATO’s recent land and sea exercises in eastern and southern Europe as well as the Black …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite