Tag Archives: president

Paul Craig Roberts: The United States Has Been Destroyed By Its Ruling Elites

Paul Craig Roberts: The United States Has Been Destroyed By Its Ruling Elites Herland Report

  United States Destroyed By Its Ruling Elites: Against the backdrop of the United States’ recognition of the investigation against Donald Trump as politically motivated, structural and ideological controversies, and concerns that the American economy will enter a recession, the GEOFOR editorial board asked Paul Craig Roberts, Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy (USA), a PhD in Economics and …

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To Remind: One Month Into Trump’s Presidency I Wrote His Presidency’s Obituary and Predicted What Was to Follow

Trump's Presidency: Requiem For Donald Trump: Herland Report AFP

  To remind: One month into Trump’s presidency (Febr.17, 2017) I wrote his presidency’s obituary and predicted what was to follow. Americans are faced with a Satanic threat against truth, and thereby liberty and morality, that they do not understand: Trump’s Presidency: Has Donald Trump overestimated his presidential power? The answer is yes. Is Steve Bannon, Trump’s main advisor, politically …

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The FBI Trump Raid: Gestapo Democrats in the Banana Republic of America

Donald Trump speech on the Deep State: America is permanently divided: Donald Trump, Getty

  Herland Report: FBI Trump Raid: The Democrats in power in Washington have weaponized the FBI and Department of Justice (sic) in an effort to criminalize President Trump.   They tried this with Russiagate, with impeachment, with their fabricated January 6 Insurrection, and now they have sent an army of FBI agents into Trump’s home, relying on the presstitutes to tell …

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The NAZI mentality and its relevance today, now present in global elites

The NAZI mentality: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The NAZI mentality: When the President of the Assembly of the League of Nations in 1940, Carl J. Hambro wrote a book about the German occupation of Norway during World War II, he explained brilliantly the NAZI mentality. Based on a remorseless conviction of national egotism, the essence of the possessive NAZI doctrine was that “it is …

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US Banana Republic mess: Impeaching ex-president Trump to depose him as “president,” when he already left office weeks ago?

America is finished says Glenn Beck: Trump indictment, end of PetroDollar marks end of American Hegemony Herland Report Getty

  Herland Report: As the US Banana Republic mess sets the scene for a second Senate impeachment of Donald Trump, attempting to judge in favor of deposing an ex-president from the role of “president,” when he already left office weeks ago….leaves you speechless. How do you impeach a “president” who is no longer president, with the aim of removing him …

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