Tag Archives: rape

Feminism and Criminal Immigrant Destroyed Sweden

Sweden gang rape liberal Heralnd Report

  Herland Report: Feminism and Criminal Immigrant Destroyed Sweden: In Sweden the rape of white Swedish women by black immigrant-invaders never stops. In the latest outrage four Eritreans forced a 13 year old Swedish girl into a bathroom and took turns raping her while filming the gang rape. According to the news report, the vaginal rape was “preceded by violence …

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Sweden Rape Capital of the West

Sweden Rape Capital of the West Herland Report

  Herland Report: Sweden Rape Capital of the West: The extreme-liberal and progressive 1968-attitude that permeates the politically correct thinking in Sweden, is killing the nation. Sweden welcomes thousands of “refugees” every year, many of whom are not aware of and do not share the nation’s liberal views. As crime takes place with some immigrants, the justice system is set …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite