Tag Archives: #USA

China and the Deep State Censorship Have Joined Forces

China values freedom China and the Deep State Censorship: AP

  No matter who runs for office, no matter who controls the White House, Senate or the House of Representatives now or in the future, “we the people” have already lost. We have lost because the future of this nation is being forged beyond the reach of our laws, elections and borders by techno-authoritarian powers with no regard for individuality, …

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Covid and the Ukraine war spells the death of Hyper Globalism

Hyper Globalism is over: Ammo

  Herland Report: Hyper Globalism is over: The post-1990s era of hyper-globalization is now commonly acknowledged to have come to an end. The COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war against Ukraine have relegated global markets to a secondary and at best supporting role behind national objectives – in particular, public health and national security. But all the talk about deglobalization should …

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America is permanently divided: Donald Trump and MAGA

Donald Trump speech on the Deep State: America is permanently divided: Donald Trump, Getty

  Herland Report: America is permanently divided in a way that can only be resolved with the victory of one political party over the other, which in today’s parlance means the victory of traditional Americans or the victory of their woke Democrat opponents, most of whom are white but are ashamed of it. With the founding whites split, the power …

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Americans are OK with Ukraine losing the war to Russia, a poll reveals

America’s Stolen Guns:American Collapse: Ammo

  Herland Report: Ukraine losing the war: 43% among Americans are ok with Ukraine losing the war and believe the sanctions hurt Americans more than Russians, a recent poll shows. The monthly Democracy Institute/ Express.co.uk poll of 1,500 Americans who are “likely voters” has shown that 43 percent are “OK” with Ukraine losing compared to 41 percent “not OK” while 16 …

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Racial Discrimination Against White Americans Has Been Institutionalized

Racial Discrimination Against White Americans: Paul Craig Roberts, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Racial Discrimination Against White Americans: The 1896 Supreme Court Plessy decision, which gave us “separate but equal” is widely considered today to be incorrect. Legal scholars maintain that the private railroad company violated the Constitution by separating people in railway cars on the basis of race. Justice John Marshall Harlan’s dissent–“Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates …

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Western sanctions may hurt the West and especially Europe much more than Russia

Europe, slave of America: Western sanctions hurt the West: Getty

  Herland Report: Western sanctions hurt the West: The strategy of imposing economic sanctions to hurt Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, may produce an economic fallout that is very different from what many expected. Who will be the economic losers from the Ukraine-Russia conflict in the short and long run? With soaring oil, gas and other commodities prices, Russia’s …

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Ukraine-Russia War: Europe will be the Economic Loser

The American quest to weaken Europe: EU Getty

  Herland Report: Ukraine-Russia War: The strategy of imposing economic sanctions in order to hurt Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, may produce an economic fallout that is different from what the leadership in Europe currently expects. The question is who will the sanctions hurt the most? Who will be the the economic losers from the steadily widened Ukraine-Russia conflict …

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The Militia Militarization of US Police Force

The Militia Militarization of US Police Force: Militarization-of-police-john-whitehead

  Herland Report: The Militia Militarization of US Police Force: Thanks primarily to the Pentagon’s 1033 program, which allows law enforcement agencies to get their hands on Department of Defense technology, and the Bush-era War on Terror, American police have received a startling amount of heavy-duty, military-grade hardware. In fact, between 1998 and 2014, the dollar value of military hardware …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite