Tag Archives: end of freedom

The Nazi Democrat Gestapo Regime is making it clear that it accepts neither Constitutional nor legal constraints on its power

Democrat Gestapo Regime: War in Europe U.S. Strategy: Getty

  Herland Report: Democrat Gestapo Regime: As I reported yesterday and previously, the totally corrupt Biden Justice (sic) Department and FBI Gestapo are trying to orchestrate a plot by Trump and supporters to subvert American democracy so that Biden can steal the November election by federalizing the process and taking the election out of state hands. More evidence comes forward …

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Liberal neo-Marxist Wikipedia used to demonize Conservatives

Wikipedia logo Herland Report

  Herland Report: Wikipedia has since its birth been a leading Liberal, progressive, atheist portal in demonizing European history, Conservatives, anti-militarism activists, religions and countries outside the Western hemisphere. It has been a main neo-Marxist driver in the West to color the minds of Westerners and change its value system. On a continual basis, its neo-Marxist editors make sure that philosophers, authors, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite