Religion and Faith

Herland Report interview with Chuck Crismier: How the religion of Feelings is destroying our Culture

Chuck Crismier Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report TV host, Hanne Herland speaks with Chuck Crismier about the media demonization of Christians, psychology and the religion of feelings. As the traditional, Western worldview is scrapped and atheist Marxism implemented, historic values evaporate such as self-control, civility, politeness and respect for diversity and the right to differ in opinions.   “The media is not interested in promoting …

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Atheism destroys Hope in the Human Soul warned Alexandr Solzhenitsyn

Men have forgotten God: Alexandr Solzhenitsyn

  When Communism reigned with its iron fist in Russia, it was bent on destroying all religion. The very essence of the Communist ideology, which developed from Marxist theory, was to uproot traditional faith in God and its worldview, claiming that a godless, classless society would emerge once Conservative religious values were exterminated. Atheism destroys Hope: As the United States …

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Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened

Men have forgotten God: Alexandr Solzhenitsyn

  The West has, in recent years, bestowed upon itself an immense weight of suffering from financial crisis, lack of ethics, health and a variety of political crisis. Traditional values, respect for the elderly, tradition, the family and faith has been scrapped from the public narrative. Front and center is the atheist materialist world view that deems the physical dimension …

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Marxism produces Slavery: The Atheist Soviet Experience

American Totalitarianism: Soviet Atheist Repression: Herland Report

  As Americans turn to Marxism in the hope of a better and more just world, the Soviet experience is worth revisiting. Submerged in atheist state control, the Soviet media propaganda penetrated society, idealizing the Communist teaching that Marxism would bring happiness and peace to all. Central to the Communist ideology was the idea that traditional religion must be exterminated. …

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How Marxist Liberalism destroys the West: Comments on Alexandr Dugin

How Marxist Liberalism destroys the West: Aleksandr Dugin HuffPost

  The Russian philosopher, Aleksandr Dugin recently sat down with Tucker Carlson to discuss the failures of Western atheist, Marxist liberalism. He argues that it all began with the Anglo-Saxon idea of individualism, which was the wrong concept of human nature, as it cuts man’s relations to everything else around him. How Marxist Liberalism destroys the West: It tears down …

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The Age of Western Stagnation: Greed and Lack of Trust

The need for Faith in God:Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  We live in an age of remarkable Western stagnation. Respect for traditional values such as honesty, trustworthiness and self-restraint have been killed off by the Marxist rebellion against morality. Greed and selfishness are now forefront values. It may be argued that the deterioration of traditional ethics is precisely the element that contributes to economic decline that may mark the …

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The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism: The idea was to earn money, be trustworthy and have something to give to others

Globalists push for the total destruction of sovereign nations in quest to dominate them all Society Is becoming a Prison Disguised as Paradise Getty

In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, sociologist Max Weber states that when modern Capitalism took form in Protestant countries such as Switzerland and Germany about two hundred years ago, the ideal was to earn money and increase wealth – not to squander one’s income away on status, luxury and consumerism. The duty of the believer was to use …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite