Tag Archives: Green Movement

Controlling Energy Supply, Farmland, Real Estate means Controlling You

American Junk Food: Sam Jacobs, Ammo, Getty

Herland Report: Controlling Energy Supply: The technocratic elite, including both BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and Bill Gates, are pushing for “net zero” carbon emissions. While BlackRock is busy buying up houses, Gates is hard at work amassing farmland and is now the largest owner of farmland in the U.S. Gates is pushing for drastic, fundamental changes by 2030, including widespread …

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Idiotic Green Reform and the Coming Green Economic Collapse #GretaThunberg

Idiotic Green Reform: Billionaires behind the Green Agenda

  Herland Report: Idiotic Green Reform and the Coming Economic Collapse: As refreshing as it is to hear candid criticisms of the system’s failure and even support for the restoration of Glass-Steagall bank separation from presidential candidates like Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard or even the lame Elisabeth Warren… we find that in each case, those candidates are on record supporting …

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Billionaires manipulate Green Movement for personal gain #GretaThunberg #GeorgeSoros

The looming Energy Crisis: oil and gas sector divestment strategy herland report

  Herland Report: As politics and economy are intertwined in today’s economic system, manipulating politics also means. As the billionaire funded, Wall Street supported #GretaThunberg #ClimateChange #Apocalypse #ExtinctionRebellion push demands divestment in oil, who is looking to gain when the shortage sets in? At the center of attention are mainstream media loved Extinction Rebellion and Fossil Free – the group …

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