Tag Archives: #LibyaNATOatrocities

Power vacuum in US, Europe, Israel emboldens Ottoman Erdogan in Libya

Erdogan turkey RT

  Herland Report: Sensing a power vacuum in Washington, Europe, and Tel Aviv along with the weakness of North African regimes — and emboldened by his own hubris — Erdogan has promised military boots on the ground in Libya as first reported in Can Recep the Magnificent Sort Out Libya on December 18th. The Second Libyan War is being fought …

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Horrifying militia rule in Libya post #NATOwar 2011 – Linda Ulstein

Field marshall Khalifa Haftar EPA Libya.

  Herland Report: “The security situation in Libya is catastrophic. It is a massive international scandal. The NATO supported military coup in 2011 opened up the flood gate for horror”, states human rights activist for the prisoners in Libya, the Algerian Linda Ulstein in an exclusive interview with The Herland Report. states the official Spokesperson for the Libyan Tribes, Mrs. …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite