Tag Archives: Mafia

The Western World Is Now a Tyranny: Law converted to weapon destroying nine centuries of Anglo-Saxon accomplishments in shielding citizens

Western World Is Now a Tyranny: Western Civilization Ceasing to Exist: USA-Paul-Craig-Roberts-Herland-Report-2019

  In my book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions published 23 years ago, I pointed out that “law and order conservatives” enabled government to set aside protective aspects of law in order to easier and more certainly convict the Mafia, drug users, child abusers–whoever the target was at the specific time. Western World Is Now a Tyranny: I said that the law …

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Russisk TV rapporterer med fryd kaoset i USA: Mafia Bananrepublikken!

Insouciance Destroyed America: Gerald Flurry

  Herland Report: Anført av de statlige tv-kanalene har russiske massemedier rapportert utførlig fra det amerikanske presidentvalget som har blitt presentert på en lite flatterende måte. Personer som tilsynelatende fyller valgurnene med falske stemmesedler, postfunksjonærer som hevder at de har blitt beordret til å kaste stemmesedler, rasende mennesker utenfor valglokaler som roper at valget er forfalsket, og valgfunksjonærer som dekker …

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Globalist’ media wants to Stop National Security #Trump Speech

Will we see a Military Coup in the US? Trump and the Military Complex. President-Donald-Trump-2019-State-of-the-Union-address-UPI-pelosi

  Herland Report: What we are witnessing is a historic show down of power between the New World Order globalist, transnational elite and the Old World Order that wants to retain national borders and the sovereignty of nations. Herland Report: To break it down: Immediately after the President Trump’s speech on the border wall, escalating a stand-off with Congress, the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite