Tag Archives: poison

To Follow the Inner Voice of Nature leads to Contentment in Life

What is Happiness? Herland Report

  The French philosopher, Jean-Jacques Rousseau famously stated that morality is our following of a voice of nature within us. This inner voice is often drowned out by the passions, our pride or other destructive forces of egoism and evil that lurk in the darkness. If we choose to quench this voice of nature that many call the conscience, our …

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Is Capitalism Killing Us? Poison, pollution, #Monsanto

Is Capitalism Killing Us? Poison, pollution, #Monsanto Monsanto Herland Report

  Paul Craig Roberts: A public health organization, the Environmental Working Group, recently reported that its tests found glyphosate in all but 2 of 45 children’s breakfast foods including granola, oats and snack bars made by Quaker, Kellogg and General Mills.  In Brazil tests have discovered that 83% of mothers’ breast milk contains glyphosate. The Munich Environmental Institute reported that …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite