Tag Archives: Richard Dawkins

Atheists now say that Christian Ethics are the logic solution – Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Atheists say that Christian Ethic is the logic solution - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

  Leading atheist intellectuals who have spent a lifetime ridiculing the Christian fundament of their own Western civilization now suddenly have a change of heart. One by one, they either become Christians, profess to be on Team Christianity, hail the traditional Christian culture or voice the need for more Christian ethics. They have found out that the logic solution to …

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How can an atheist intellectual like Ayaan Hirsi Ali become a Christian?

How can an atheist intellectual like Ayaan Hirsi Ali become a Christian?

  Dr. Richard Dawkins is one of the Western atheist intellectuals who have spent a lifetime creating hatred against the Christian faith upon which his own civilization stands. Decade after decade he has ignorantly pushed the nihilist, Nietzschean message that God is dead, Christian values are useless, Christianity is nonsense, there is no hope beyond death – in short, this …

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The unbelievable stupidity of “culturally Christian” Richard Dawkins

The unbelievable stupidity of “culturally Christian” Richard Dawkins BBC

  Dr. Richard Dawkins has spent his life tearing down the belief in the cultural Christian values that have been the pillars of strength in Western civilization. He has been one of those white male, atheist fundamentalist intellectuals who have – with remarkable passion – belittled, bullied, rampantly attacked Christianity and its reverence of God in the complexity of nature, …

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