Tag Archives: Sergej lavrov

Interview with Iben Thranholm: Russia is defender of Christian faith

Interview with Iben Thranholm: How ironic that Russia is the defender of Christian faith?

  Herland Report TV (HTV): How ironic that when the West leaves the Christian faith and demonizes its own cultural heritage, Russia rises as the defender of the Christian faith, says the Danish theologian, journalist, and queen of the MeToo movement in Denmark, Iben Thranholm. She speaks with the founder of Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland, about the erosion of values …

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Aggressive secularism persecutes Christians in Europe, Sergej Lavrov

Sweden Rape Capital of the West Herland Report

  Herland Report: It is remarkable to see how Russian Foreign Minister, Sergej Lavrov is vocal in the support for Christianity and the respect of religions, while European political leaders  steadily make the point of omitting references to Europe’s religious heritage and traditional values, precisely the foundation that once made the West a great civilization. The world is truly changing …

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Sergei Skripal sirkuset: Sveits laboratorieanalysen viste at novichok ble ikke brukt – Bjørn Ditlef Nistad

Sergei Skripal Herland Report

  Det meste er uklart når det gjelder det påståtte drapsforsøket 4. mars 2018 på den tidligere russiske etterretningsagenten Sergej Skripal og hans datter Julija. En forutsetning for å kunne forholde seg til saken på en fornuftig måte, er at Sergej og Jurija Skripal trer frem for offentligheten, slik at det blir mulig å stille dem spørsmål om hendelsen. Til tross …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite