Tag Archives: Surveillance

Elon Musk: Almost every conspiracy theory about Twitter turned out to be true

Conspiracy theory about Twitter: Elon Musk and the release of the Twitter Files: HR

  From the beginning of the Covid panic, it felt that something was very wrong. Never had a pandemic, much less a seasonal pathogenic wave, been treated as a quasi-military emergency requiring the upending of all freedoms and rights.  Conspiracy theory about Twitter: What made it more bizarre was how alone those of us who objected felt until very recently …

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The Psychology of Totalitarianism and Mass Formation – a dangerous, collective type of hypnosis

The Psychology of Totalitarianism: Totalitarianism and Mass Formation: The Psychology of Totalitarianism: Mattias Desmet

  Herland Report: Totalitarianism and Mass Formation: We bear witness to loneliness, free-floating anxiety, and fear giving way to censorship, loss of privacy, and surrendered freedoms. It is all spurred by a singular, focused crisis narrative that forbids dissident views and relies on destructive groupthink. Read Professor Mattias Desmet’s important book on mass formation and the psychology of totalitarianism. Buy …

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Dystopian World: The Future is Here, Big Brother and Aldous Huxley

Dystopian World: Hanne Nabintu Herland on the Aldous Huxley interview, 1958 Brave New World

  Herland Report: Dystopian World: We have arrived into the dystopian future dreamed up by such science fiction writers as George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Margaret Atwood and Philip K. Dick. “The Internet is watching us now. If they want to. They can see what sites you visit. In the future, television will be watching us, and customizing itself to what …

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COVID-19 pandemic has propelled us into a whole new global frontier

Liberals want a Race War: Herland Report, Getty

  Herland Report: The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled us into a whole new global frontier. Those hoping to navigate this interconnected and highly technological world of contact tracing, vaccine passports and digital passes will find themselves grappling with issues that touch on deep-seated moral, political, religious and personal questions for which there may be no clear-cut answers. We are about to …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite