Tag Archives: tyranny

Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing COVID Narratives Without Questioning Them

Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing COVID Narratives: Vaccines do not stop Covid: GEtty

  Herland Report: Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing COVID Narratives: In August, Germany’s top newspaper, Bild, apologized for the outlet’s fear-driven Covid coverage – with special message to children, who were told “that they were going to murder their grandma.” Now, a newspaper in Denmark has publicly apologized for reporting government narratives surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic without questioning them, writes Tyler Durden at Zerohedge. …

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Shocking lack of Vaccine Safety: What the VAERS Data Tell Us About COVID Jab

Death From COVID Shots: Shocking lack of Vaccine Safety:  Getty

  Herland Report: Shocking lack of Vaccine Safety:  Interview with Jessica Rose, Ph.D.: The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is among the best adverse event data collection systems in the world, but it’s antiquated and difficult to use. Still, it’s a good way to detect safety signals that weren’t detected during premarket testing or clinical trials. There are unmistakable, …

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No reason to panic for Omicron Covid, says Dr. Coetzee who discovered it, very mild symptoms

No reason to panic for Omicron: Getty

  Herland Report: No reason to panic for Omicron: “Looking at the mildness of the symptoms that we are seeing, currently there’s no reason for panicking as we don’t see severely ill patients, says Dr. Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South African Medical Association, who discovered the now named “Omicron” Covid variant. The inevitable is now here. Another SARS-CoV-2 variant dubbed …

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Vaccines do Not Stop Covid, Why? Read WHO data Below

Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing COVID Narratives: Vaccines do not stop Covid: GEtty

  Herland Report: Vaccines do not stop Covid: For more than 18 months, our governments and the  media have been telling us: “The return to normal life will be possible thanks to the vaccine,” “you will regain your freedom when you are vaccinated,” “the non-vaccinated are responsible for the continuation of the epidemic.” But no real-world study has provided the slightest …

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CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated

How WHO proposes a worldwide social listening surveillance system Getty

  Herland Report: CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated: While public health officials and mainstream media claim the COVID-19 pandemic is now “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,”1 we now know this claim is based on highly misleading statistics. In a July 16, 2021, White House press briefing,2 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky claimed that “over …

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Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms from 9/11 to COVID-19

Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms from 9/11 to COVID-19, Herland Report, CIA

  Herland Report: Mile Markers of Tyranny: You can map the nearly 20-year journey from the 9/11 attacks to the COVID-19 pandemic by the freedoms we’ve lost along the way. The road we have been traveling has been littered with the wreckage of our once-vaunted liberties, especially those enshrined in the Fourth Amendment, writes Constitutional attorney, author and founder of …

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Twitter Soviet style political censorship: Jack Dorsey laying out roadmap for more

Twitter Soviet style political censorship: Jack Dorsey laying out roadmap for more: AP

  Herland Report: As the West is turning into the new Soviet, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp head up the inquisition against plurality and diversity of opinion. Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, was recently taped by a whistleblower within the Twitter system, in which Dorsey laid out the roadmap for further political censorship. It will apparently continue beyond the inauguration as Twitter …

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