Tag Archives: Yasir Arafat

Muslim leaders to Biden: Stop showering money on corrupt Palestinian leaders!

Corrupt Palestinian leaders: Wealthy Palestinian leaders and the Israel conflict: Where do all the billions in aid go: Flash90

  Herland Report: Corrupt Palestinian leaders: The message the Arabs and Muslims are sending to the Biden administration and other Western donors: Stop showering money on corrupt and failed Palestinian leaders. The Palestinian Authority says that it should be the only party in charge of the reconstruction and that all funds must be channeled through its government. Hamas, on the other …

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Palestinians’ Worst Enemy Is Their Own Leaders: Corruption and repression

Palestinians’ Worst Enemy Is Their Own Leaders: Corruption and repression

  Herland Report: Once in a rare while, Western journalists address the massive problem in the Middle East pertaining to corruption and repression of free speech in the Arab world. This week, Human Rights Watch released a report on Gaza leaders and the report shows widespread abuse.  The two-year investigation included interviews with nearly 150 people, many of them ex-detainees. …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite