Herland Report: As we head for a second lockdown and Covid-19 again soars in almost all countries except Sweden, many local businesses go bankrupt. Suicide is all time high, the recession of a century renewed in strength.
This is mysterious, indeed. The Sars’ Coronavirus (Covid-19) has so far delivered fewer deaths than most yearly influenzas, yet the media frenzy is all time high. And we are willingly crushing our own economies.
Truth is, we will all get it, almost. 60-80 % of the population will get the Corona virus, said British authorities in March, 2020. In Sweden, the country that chose herd immunity, there is no crisis, as it turs out that the strategy was the very best.
In a most peculiar way, the media and politicians have been remarkably unwilling to compare Covid-19 numbers to seasonal influenza.
A short summary of the regular seasonal influenza numbers demonstrates yearly losses of lives in the hundreds of thousands, writes Hanne Nabintu Herland in her new book, Trump. The Battle for America.
650 000 people[i] die yearly from respiratory illnesses linked to regular influenzas, according to the WHO.[ii]
The US numbers for yearly deaths due to regular flus are, as CNN reported in 2018 around 80 000 dead yearly.[iii]
The current Covid statistics sadly cannot be trusted, as early as April, US doctors began registering Covid based on assumption. The NHS scandal in the United Kingdom further established that Covid routinely was stated as cause of death even with individuals who had died in car accidents.
So, who first pushed for the lockdown strategy in the West and managed to sway opinion in that direction? Is the Corona epidemic being used politically? The question is of utmost relevance.
How could a small virus send the West into historic recession? Mysterious indeed: As sad as it is, those among us who are old, frail and have serious illnesses or weaknesses leave this earth every year.
With Covid-19 it is no different, therefore the regular influenza numbers matter. Yet very few media outlets compared the numbers when the Corona fear first erupted.
It was China that set the example for lockdown of national economies in an unprecedented move.[v] Western nations followed the Chinese example and shut down their own economies too.
Not lack of supply or demand halted growth, but political decisions. We are consequently facing the financial meltdown of a century by political choice.
- New Book explains why Socialist Billionaires hate Trump: “Trump. The Battle for America” WND
- Paul Craig Roberts about “Trump. The Battle for America”: Trump demonized for “America First” ideals
- NEW BOOK explains why Trump challenges Globalism: “Trump. The Battle for America” by bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland
How could a small virus send the West into historic recession? Mysterious indeed: China is now world leader, spearheading how everyone handles pandemic crisis. What the Marxist-Leninist President of the People’s Republic, Xi Jinping does, we all follow and implement. Or do we?
Nobody seems to have noticed that China mainly closed down one city, Wuhan and its province, Hubei.[vi] 5 million Wuhan inhabitants were allowed to leave and travelled elsewhere in China, which leaves 6 million in lockdown Wuhan.[vii]
By March 14, most of Hubei were to resume work and production. That means a lock down for approximately four weeks in most of Hubei. Other areas were also affected, national borders and so on.[viii]
The point being, that China only closed down epicenter areas, but the West closed down whole nations, counties, towns, municipalities, everywhere. This has severely impacted the economy on a level that may be far worse than China.
From day one, I suggested that the corona crisis must be seen in light of the US-China trade war.[ix] It seems that the Western globalist worship of oligarchs now gives China the upper hand.
The panic advice to shut down came from a mix between oligarch Bill Gates,[x] WHO leader, Marxist-Leninist Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus[xi] and was massively pushed by the CNN led media.[xii] Western oligarch owned CNN is actually proud of spearheading panic, they even summed it up in a CNN article.[xiii]
The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros first under- then over reporting is central, since Western leaders believe that the WHO is the “equivalent to God”.[xiv] He allegedly under reported the China numbers, then brutally switched to over reporting prospects of millions of dead on March 10th, to EU leaders.[xv]
In the March 10 meeting, he estimated 3.5 % or more death rates among the infected, describing the outbreak as “pandemic,” millions dead in Europe.
Apparently, Angela Merkel was so shocked that others had to calm her down. An estimated 60-70 % in the population were expected to contract the virus. British authorities stated 60-80 %. By March 12, the EU closed down its economies.
How could a small virus send the West into historic recession? Mysterious indeed: This combined with, in essence, the Imperial College draft, caused the fear of a bug on a level never seen before.
As it turns out, the Imperial College Report[xvi] that motivated the UK and other nations to leave its herd immunity strategy, turns out to not be peer-reviewed and written by a professor Neil Ferguson who highly overestimated the numbers for Ebola and Swine influenza.[xvii] It predicted that 510 000 could die in the UK without lockdown, while 250 000 could die even with an isolationist strategy.[xviii]
This was recently pointed out by Johan Giesecke,[xix] the State Epidemiologist for Sweden who also served as the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).[xx]
We currently have politicians who eagerly flock around billionaire “pandemic expert,” Bill Gates to take his oligarch advice rather than to listen to national pandemic experts.
Stanford School of Medicine professor John Ioannidis says that the lockdowns could be a “once in a century evidence fiasco.”[xxi]
He has described the coronavirus as a “very common, mild infection for the vast majority.”[xxii] Do we know enough to justify the massive measures that violate human rights in our free democratic society, asks Germany’s forefront virus expert in microbiology, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi’s open letter to the Chancellor of Germany? Of course, Merkel does not listen to him.[xxiii]
Dr. Bhakdi says: “This is the incredible tragedy. The life expectancy of millions is now being shortened because of this. The horrifying impact on world economy threatens the existence of countless people.”[xxiv]
1.1 billion people are now threatened by hunger due to world-wide lockdowns. In the UK alone, three million go hungry.[xxv]
Many are asking if the Covid-19 reaction was overblown. In that case, who pushed the exaggerations? If politically motivated, the misinformation may have contributed to the largest economic meltdown in a century. For the moment, we still seem very bent on continuing the sosio-economic suicide and destroying our own economies.
[i] https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/14-12-2017-up-to-650-000-people-die-of-respiratory-diseases-linked-to-seasonal-flu-each-year
[iii] https://edition.cnn.com/2018/09/26/health/flu-deaths-2017–2018-cdc-bn/index.html
[iv] https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/china/
[v] http://hannenabintuherland.com/europa/china-is-smarter-than-the-west-will-gain-post-corona-scandal-hanne-nabintu/
[vii] https://www.businessinsider.com/5-million-left-wuhan-before-coronavirus-quarantine-2020-1?amp;IR=T&r=US&IR=T
[viii] https://www.cna.com.tw/news/acn/202003140249.aspx
[ix] http://hannenabintuherland.com/europa/how-china-and-the-media-caused-market-crash-by-selling-us-fear/
[xi] http://hannenabintuherland.com/europa/who-leader-tedros-a-ghebreyesus-is-chinas-man-to-push-west-to-destroy-itself-corona/
[xii] http://hannenabintuherland.com/usa/western-billionaire-control-of-democracies-bill-gates-covid-19/
[xiii] https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/13/world/cnn-coronavirus-coverage/index.html
[xiv] https://lidblog.com/dr-tedros-adhanom/?__cf_chl_captcha_tk__=6630df5457bb27e86546a7ecf1c37348091ede63-1598961041-0-AYv2miwqPPwb22NfxA_SIlFoaX_sgCUXaHWXFEqaW44EgF0S3ueY1DLRGN3Av8GV22odgdz6ZJ5iEjto-SIXHwbP4TTZXeEjtpCnnQmyt0kByejxKtqRob9DaK5wb5kSqkVOmNfQQNQCCsL9PtgxxIw8abHEEyfqOYxXp8G85eGYE8bjXirOqQ7M-oqg7RrECK7NFPLinIuQIfl-nY1qlf_8bnzMTPjn8x6fL-24t00eZnfYmQni997JHWoNu-XTsz6gZ4I24Y_60moMHgEsVgrAzN59hDn0hpKOmrvWxalUGRSP6yvMV7c7chMg9kZa_XdRsHNEd0VylWlNqjydsj4n-GuwqBsFftNTPwsWJ0IpGZxs2LLAkJpnxVBkAErF9IflJXxC0G8ZQpD-CePkg1Pt8yYZO2GNbHzerw1zG77s207uBYKciOT4D5vpuHApU73Aglfjxm0fZhIASfx8roTP1rBE5RtJQdz5KfhttOREaZ77d_JCnqHDslNUCx8-kw
[xv] https://euobserver.com/coronavirus/147699
[xvi] https://www.dailywire.com/news/leading-swedish-epidemiologist-slams-british-scientist-whose-paper-triggered-worldwide-lockdowns-normally-quite-arrogant
[xvii] http://hannenabintuherland.com/financialcrisis/imperial-report-who-horror-scenarios-questioned-among-allegations-of-politization/
[xviii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfN2JWifLCY&t=764s
[xix] https://unherd.com/thepost/giesecke-stands-firm-swedish-death-rate-will-go-down/
[xx] https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/strategic-and-technical-advisory-group-for-infectious-hazards/members/biographies/en/index2.html
[xxi] https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=212&v=d6MZy-2fcBw&feature=emb_logo
[xxii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC3nptwY50I&feature=emb_logo
[xxiii] http://hannenabintuherland.com/europa/dr-bhakdi-extreme-measures-violate-human-rights-prevents-herd-immunity/
[xxv] http://hannenabintuherland.com/financialcrisis/3-million-go-hungry-in-the-uk-today-due-to-lockdown-policy-richisunak/