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China is smarter than the West, will gain post Corona Scandal


Herland Report: China is smarter than the West: China set the example for lock down of national economies in an unprecedented move. Western nations followed the Chinese example and shut down their own economies too.

China is now the leader of the world. President of the People’s Republic, Xi Jinping spearheaded how the world tackles pandemic crisis. What he does, we all follow and implement.

Political authorities in the West actually hurried to stop the economic growth in their own nations, which also is unprecedented.

Not lack of supply or demand halted growth, but political decisions. We are consequently facing the financial meltdown of a century by political choice.

China mainly closed down one city, Wuhan and its province, Hubei. By March 14, most of the Hubei areas were to resume work and production in the great nation of China.

That means a lock down for approximately four weeks in most of Hubei.

The point being, that China only closed down epicenter areas, but the West closed down whole nations, severely impacting the economy on a level that may not be seen in China.

The astronomical effects on Western economy can only yet be imagined, while China is set to recover  quicker as only the infected parts of the nations were closed down.

It may be argued that parts of the CNN pushed narrative is true. China did set the example for lock downs of national economies and borders and the West willingly followed. But China only closed down its epicenter.

From day one, we suggested at The Herland Report that the corona crisis must be seen in light of the US-China trade war.

We wrote about the topic of World Health Organization chief, Marxist-Leninist Dr. Tedros’ possible politization the day before President Trump addressed it. Two days later it was headlines across the world.


China is smarter than the West: Coronacrisis Herland Report
China is smarter than the West:  It may be argued that parts of the CNN pushed narrative is true. China did set the example for lock downs of national economies and the West willingly followed, Bill Gates forefront as the preferred “pandemic expert”.
This makes China at this point the leader of the world. President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping spearheads how the world tackles crisis. What he does, we follow and implement.


What actually happened in China?


In the West, hardly anyone noticed: While China only closed down one city and part of Hubei province as this was the affected epicenter, Western nations closed down everything.

The advice to do so mainly came from Bill Gates, the WHO and massively pushed by the CNN led media, as pointed out by themselves in this CNN article.

Due to the wisdom of only closing down the epicenter area, China may relatively gain significantly from its smart move.

The West, on the other hand, following WHO and oligarch and billionaire Bill Gates energetic advice to shut down “every single county” as he demanded on American TV, has entered the depression of a century.




China is smarter than the West:  The details: On January 23, China imposed the lock-down in the city of Wuhan, also called the Chicago of China due to its role in domestic transport, 九省通衢, and parts of Hubei province. This was to quarantine the outbreak of corona-virus named Covid-19, as suggested by some Chinese experts.

On January 10, the first corona-virus death in China was reported. On 20 February, the Chinese government extended the shutdown in the province of Hubei to all all non-essential companies and all schools.

This was only for one province in China, the Hubei Province, yet other areas in China were affected as well. By March 14, most of the Hubei areas were to resume work and production in the great nation of China. That means a lock down for approximately four weeks in most of Hubei.

The point being, that China only closed down epicenter areas, but the West closed down whole nations, severely impacting the economy on a level that may not be seen in China.

The astronomical effects on Western economy can only yet be imagined, while China is set to recover  quicker as only the infected parts of the nations were closed down.


China is smarter than the West:  The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcast has millions of viewers. Founded by Scandinavian historian of comparative religions and author Hanne Nabintu Herland, we feature leading intellectuals, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. Subscribe to YouTube interviews here!


China is smarter than the West: has since been known that only around 4000 individuals died with or from the disease in China. Considering the clever Sun Tzu masters, the numbers might be under – or over reported.

We know that only one city, Wuhan was closed for 76 days, reopening recently. The lock down of  Wuhan city ended on April 8.

The Chinese method was suspension of all public transport and control of movement in and out of the city. The total number of residents in Wuhan is 11 million.

Chinese reports state that 5 million were allowed to leave the city Wuhan prior to its lock down in January. They efficiently relocated to other parts of China with no consequent massive outbreak there. That would mean approximately 6 million people endured the lock down in Wuhan.


Western oligarch weakness gives China the upper hand


China is smarter than the West: 

The Western narrative that “China demonstrated its humanitarian care for the health of its people rather than caring only about the economy” was instantly followed by the West.

We closed down almost every country like Bill Gates advised, our nations now entering the worst financial break-down in modern history.

Yet, it was worth it because we “saved lives”. The prevailing idea is that “if you care for the people’s health, you cannot reopen the national economy.” So the economic burn down continues even if a healthy economy is real health to its population.

As parts of Marxist-Leninist thought is revived in China under Xi Jinping, he is transforming China to a world power that might cause the end of the liberal democratic Western order.

As the United States is near civil war level of divisiveness, its oligarch owned media fighting its democratically elected president Trump, Xi Jinping leads an orderly unified, prosperous China. 




China is smarter than the West:  The West arguably has left the democratic structure and prefers a oligarchy, a political system in which a globalist rich elite governs with the people only participating in periodic elections. The system is characterized by lack of respect for traditional and historical Western values.

The West is threatened by China’s stability, its discipline, reverence for history, local culture, family values, unified in the focus on ambitious growth and under the brilliant leadership of Xi Jinping.

Anyone who has visited China, feels the grandeur of Confucianist thinking: Politeness, a deep respect for the family, caring for the elderly, respecting Chinese culture and history, upholding Chinese traditions, pride in the remarkable Chinese civility, companionship and socialism as millions have risen from poverty.

As the West is engulfed in internal conflicts, ethnic strife, lack of manners, disdain for its historical heritage and great periods in history, the Chinese win.

China may outmaneuver the Western political group think of women led governments with little experience of world war and Sun Tzu. They flock around billionaire Bill Gates to take his oligarch pandemic advice rather than to listen to pandemic experts in their respective countries.

Yet, the stakes have never been higher for Chinese leadership than under Xi Jinping.


China is smarter than the West: Paul Craig Roberts quote banner
China is smarter than the West:  The Herland Report is a Scandinavian news site and TV channel on YouTube, that is reaching millions yearly. It is a great place to watch interviews/read articles from leading intellectuals, thought leaders from across the political spectrum.  Hanne Nabintu Herland is a Scandinavian historian of comparative religions, bestselling author, known from the media for sharp analysis. Subscribe to the NEWSLETTER HERE.


China is smarter than the West:  The great masters of Sun Tzu should be respected and treated with Confusianist reverence as China has come out on top more than ever.

With the Chinese government model aiming 50 to 100 years ahead, unified under the respect of one leader, a positive toned media with an uplifting focus on all the great achievements of the Chinese culture and a hard working people, they are set to gain.


The WHO, CNN and Bill Gates pushed panic in the West


China is smarter than the West:  Around February 20, when Hubei province closed schools and shops, was approximately the same time as the world’s second richest man, Bill Gates wrote his article. Post computer expert, he has become world pandemic guru with particular interest in world vaccines, as everyone knows.

He suggested  Covid-19 as the pandemic of a century, 1 % death rate, that it could kill far more than regular influenzas, suggesting his own vaccines as solutions and asking for billions of dollars in funding from governments.

The following weeks, predictions ran from 1-2 % death rate upward, WHO reported more than 3 %, the novel corona virus estimated to have 10-20 times higher death rate than regular seasonal influenza.

The suggested numbers were catastrophic, a new plague as it was suggested on TV, instantly scaring the Western population as the fear of death engulfed its political leaders on a level never seen before.

By looking at the Chinese model of closing down the economy, not reflecting on the fact that the Chinese only shutdown one city and some of Hubei, Bill Gates horror scenarios requested the shutdown of whole nations in the West.

Women governments were the quickest “and most clever in class” to adhere to Gates’ advice, later hailed by Forbes for exemplary actions.



China is smarter than the West: Herland Report Banner
China is smarter than the West:  Hanne Nabintu Herland is a Scandinavian historian of comparative religions, bestselling author, commentator and TV producer, known from the media for sharp analysis and fearless speech. She was born and raised in Africa, has lived in Europe, South America, in the Middle East, and traveled extensively in Asia.


China is smarter than the West:  The close relationship between WHO leader, Marxist-Leninist Dr. Tedros and Bill Gates is illustrated by Tedros calling Gates “my brother” when opening speeches. The joint interest in world vaccines has made Norway a close Gates’ ally and a multitude of NGOs and companies.

Watch the Norwegian prime minister, Erna Solberg defend the current WHO stance at a point where most Western leaders voiced scepticism over alleged politization. The point being that it is hard to deny the deeply problematic aspect of billionaire investors pushing private billions into WHO and befriending public national leaders to access massive government funds.

The suggested millions of deaths combined with dire WHO warnings may have been the very element that spurred political will to harsh economic measures.


Nobody listens to pandemic experts, only to Bill Gates


China is smarter than the West:  Billionaire and Western oligarch, Bill Gates was all over the US news channels as the true “pandemic expert”. Leading pandemic microbiologists, professors, experts and health institutes who warned of caution, were not listened to.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi said that government shut down is a completely wrong and extremely dangerous response to the Covid-19 virus.  And called self-isolating the whole population is “grotesque, absurd and very dangerous. All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide caused by fear.”

CNN was central in pushing the immense level of fear from the January 2020 onward,  yet they were not so eager in 2018, when CNN reported over 80 000 deaths in the US alone due to seasonal flu.

Up to 650 000 people die yearly of a regular influenza, according to the WHO. No CNN frenzy over that. This year’s US Center for Disease Control and Prevention numbers estimate that, as of mid-March, between 29,000 and 59,000 have died due to regular influenza illnesses.

At the news network they have summed up their own activity to document the immense interest in corona virus, reporting on the Covid-19 from death number one in China back in January, linked here. 

The WHO then recommended the move, calling it an unprecedented event in public health history. The WHO has since pushed the recommendation of lock down of national economies to the West, although stating that it was beyond its own guidelines to push for these extreme measures. Even now, as European nations seek to reopen, the WHO warns of the danger to do so.

If it is up to Bill Gates, the West will remain in economic lock down for months. He even suggested that the opening up should not come until there is a digital immunity proof documenting who is vaccinated.

The China leadership is truly remarkable. The Covid-19 scandal may mark the end of the Western liberal world order.


Also check out these topics at CNN or FOX News. Other sources may be New York TimesUSA Today, the Washington Post or from the British angle, BBC, The Guardian, The Telegraph or Financial Times.

About the author

Hanne Nabintu Herland is a historian of religions and bestselling author. She is the founder of The Herland Report Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts which have millions of readers/viewers yearly. This is a great place to watch interviews with leading intellectuals, thought leaders from across the political spectrum. Herland’s latest book, The Culture War. How the West lost its Greatness, is available in the USA and 60 countries world-wide.

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