Tag Archives: al nusra

Interview with Eva Thomassen, Norway’s only war reporter in Syria

Eva Thomassen Herland Report

  Interview with Eva Thomassen, Norway’s only war reporter in Syria: At The Herland Report, we strive to acquire knowledge about all sides in a conflict, here the Syria war. What has angered many in the West is the biased and one-sided coverage of the Syria war in the mainstream media.  Is the media no more than a propaganda channel …

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Amal Wahab supports terrorists in Syria? Eva Thomassen

Journalist Amal Wahab supports terrorists in Syria? Eastern Ghouta battlefield

  Herland Report: The Norwegian journalist, Amal A. Wahab serves as a classic example of the propaganda-support for terrorist groups in Syria that keeps the West from getting a balanced look at the international geopolitical power play in the region.  Eva Thomassen asks in this article why, in her view, Western journalists like Amal Wahab so openly writes articles in …

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Norwegian Aid Industry Syria funds Al Nusra in Idlib – Eva Thomassen

Norwegian Aid Industry Syria: East Aleppo CIty Council Eva Thomassen Herland Report Syria

  Norwegian Aid Industry Syria: At The Herland Report, we strive to acquire knowledge about several aspects in a conflict. What has angered many in the West is the biased coverage of the Syria war in the mainstream media. We need journalists who are critical, who examine a variety of perspectives. The Syria war led to over 10 million displaced, …

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VG nekter tilsvarsrett om norsk bistand til Syria – Eva Thomassen

Norwegian Aid Industry Syria: East Aleppo CIty Council Eva Thomassen Herland Report Syria

  Herland Report: Norsk bistand til Syria: Eva Thomassen nektes tilsvarsretten i VG, i kjølvannet av at Tore Bergsaker i Faktisk.no, som eies av de ledende mediene, “faktasjekket en setning” i et Thomassen argument, nemlig spørsmålet om hvor milliardene som Norge gir til Syria havner. Det er temmelig utrolig. Når Thomassen kontakter VG for å bruke tilsvarsretten, nektes hun dette. …

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Arbejderen intervju: Al Qaida affilierte White Helmets får dansk støtte for å hjelpe DAESH/ISIS

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report:“Den danske regeringen donerer 20 millioner kroner til De Hvide Hjelme i Syrien. Enhedslisten bakker op. Men de bør lave et fakta-tjek af De Hvide Hjelme, mener både freds- og konfliktforsker Jan Øberg samt Syriens-kenderen Hanne Nabintu Herland.”   Med så mye informasjon som nå foreligger fra alle mulige kanaler, kan ikke lenger skandinaviske medier hevde at man …

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