Tag Archives: billionaire

Billionaires fortunes skyrocket since Covid-19 Corona pandemic began

Getty: Covid-19 is economic goldmine for the wealthiest:

  Consortium News: Billionaires in the U.S. have seen their fortunes skyrocket since the Covid-19 Corona pandemic began, increasing by 12.5 percent. The Institute for Policy Studies released a study “showing that, in the eight weeks between March 18 and May 14, the country’s super wealthy have added a further $368.8 billion to their already enormous fortunes.” That’s a jaw-dropping-fall-over-and-have-a-seizure level of …

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Western billionaire control of democracies – Bill Gates #Covid-19

Bill Gates Vaccine Empire: Herland Report Getty

  Herland Report: Western billionaire control of democracies – Bill Gates: Forget the rule of the people. Western billionaire oligarchs rule us now, Bill Gates forefront as the messianic world leading “pandemic expert”. The billionaires own charity, they own aid, they define how pandemics should be handled, they pay billions to WHO and NGOs, control politicians, own medical facilities. They …

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