Tag Archives: CBS

Slanted: Virtually every piece of information you get through the media has been massaged, shaped, curated, and manipulated before it reaches you

Slanted: New York Times bestselling author Sharyl Attkisson takes on the media’s misreporting

  New York Times bestselling author Sharyl Attkisson takes on the media’s misreporting on Black Lives Matter, coronavirus, Joe Biden, Silicon Valley censorship, and more. When the facts don’t fit their narrative, the media abandons the facts, not the narrative. Virtually every piece of information you get through the media has been massaged, shaped, curated, and manipulated before it reaches …

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Aldous Huxley interview: Technology, big government, big business pose grave danger

Dystopian World: Hanne Nabintu Herland on the Aldous Huxley interview, 1958 Brave New World

  Herland Report:  Aldous Huxley interview: As we now live in the globalist-capitalist billionaire controlled transnational system, accelerated massively by Covid-19, we are gradually returning to the feudalist structure of the Middle Ages as the few and wealthy own almost everything. And surveil it all. The working class and middle classes will increasingly become the new slave class to the globalist, …

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The Massive Corona Redistribution of Wealth: Elon Musk richest man #GreatReset

The Massive Corona Redistribution of Wealth: Elon Musk richest man #GreatReset, CEOMagazine

  Herland Report: Tesla Elon Musk and the Corona Redistribution of Wealth: The Green Wave Corona virus makes “philanthropist” billionaires world’s richest now, as funding pours into the hope of a better world post Covid. Musk is now the richest man in the world, second only to Jeff Bezos – whose fortune also has rocketed massively during Corona. And Amazon …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite