Tag Archives: China

China and the Deep State Censorship Have Joined Forces

China values freedom China and the Deep State Censorship: AP

  No matter who runs for office, no matter who controls the White House, Senate or the House of Representatives now or in the future, “we the people” have already lost. We have lost because the future of this nation is being forged beyond the reach of our laws, elections and borders by techno-authoritarian powers with no regard for individuality, …

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Covid and the Ukraine war spells the death of Hyper Globalism

Hyper Globalism is over: Ammo

  Herland Report: Hyper Globalism is over: The post-1990s era of hyper-globalization is now commonly acknowledged to have come to an end. The COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war against Ukraine have relegated global markets to a secondary and at best supporting role behind national objectives – in particular, public health and national security. But all the talk about deglobalization should …

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Wallowing Pessimism in the West, Optimism for the Future in Asia

Pessimism in the West: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Pessimism in the West: Almost without exception, all the other truly global cities are rooted in either their Western or Eastern cultures. New York and London, Paris and Berlin clearly breathe and exude the Western zeitgeist, which is wallowing in pessimism. Beijing and Shanghai, New Delhi and Mumbai and much of Asia view the future with optimism. …

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Was the Covid-19 disruption worth it? Useless lockdowns, useless PCR, the billionaires earned billions, the poor lost so much

Covid-19 disruption World Economic Forum Getty

  Herland Report: Was the Covid-19 disruption worth it? The richest among us have earned billions of dollars on the dramatic Covid-19 disruption. The pandemic has been a source of extremely valuable income for Big Pharma capital owners and destruction for predominantly the lower classes and the middle-class in so many ways, writes historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of …

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The WHO is China’s instrument to defeat the West through Health Lockdowns?

The WHO is China's instrument: China was smarter, only closed down epicenter: AFP

  Herland Report: The WHO is China’s instrument: This is a plan that Congress and the public need to fight vigorously. The Biden administration, it appears, unless stopped immediately, is tee-ing up America to make it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat it, and other nations, through biological warfare. “On May 22-28, 2022, ultimate control over America’s healthcare …

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Europeans and Americans will pay for sanction policy and supply restrictions

Russia sanctions: Europeans and Americans will pay for sanction policy:Getty

  Herland Report: Europeans and Americans will pay for sanction policy: If the inflation narrative we are being fed is true, the sanctions policy of the US government makes no sense as the worst sufferers are the American and European populations who are paying for the supply restrictions in higher prices and interest rates.   As Russia is an exporter of …

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The Collapsing American Military

The Collapsing American Military: Getty

  Herland Report: The Collapsing American Military: Dan Goure and David T. Pyne have raised valid questions about how well the US would fare in a military conflict with Russia and China. Not well they conclude. See here and here. Possibly the articles by Dan Goure and David T. Pyne are sincere concerns of military analysts worried about Washinton’s unrealistic hubris. …

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