Tag Archives: Conservatism

Critical Race Theory and Neo-Marxism in America

Critical Race Theory and Neo-Marxism in America: Tucker Carlson, Herland Report

  Critical Race Theory has pervaded every institution in the federal government, journalist Chris Rufo recently argued on “Tucker Carlson Tonight”. He said that President Trump should end the widespread practice of indoctrinating federal employees in race theories. This theory asserts that legal institutions are inherently racist, and a socially constructed concept used by “white people” to further their gains at the expense …

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Medieledere sitter fast i 1968, evner ikke analysere nåtiden #Trump #Brexit

Conservative National Values Resurrection: DailyNewsMax-donald-Trump-state-of-the-union-pelosi

Herland Report: Medieledere sitter fast i 1968, evner ikke analysere nåtiden: Donald Trump’s State of the Union tale vektla den massive økonomiske veksten i USA. USA har  laveste arbeidsledighet på 50 år, høyeste levestandardøkning på mange år, hundretusenvis ut av fattigdom, laveste arbeidsledighet for svarte på tiår, handelsavtale med Kina. Med rekordhøy oppslutning om presidenten på 49 %, sier det …

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Konservatisme må gjeninnføres i Norge, sier Hanne Nabintu på Oslo Symposium

Russia Christian Revival: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Konservatisme må gjeninnføres i Norge, sier Hanne Nabintu Herland: Større respekt for mangfold, ulike måter å leve på, religionsfrihet, respekt for majoritetens oppfatninger, folkestyre og for de tradisjonelle europeiske verdiene. Det kan ikke være en liten gruppe minoriteter som skal ha påkjørsrett på resten av befolkningen. Den sosialistiske venstresidens likhetstyranni krever en sterk konsensus tenkning, dette kombinert …

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TV interview: Putin leader of the World now, says Dr. Roberts

Putin leader of the World Paul Roberts Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): “Increasingly the world sees that Putin is the world leader now. What the neo-con movement has achieved is the destruction of Western Hegemony and the respect for the West,” states Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on Putin leader of the World. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy, former editor of Wall Street Journal …

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How to understand Western Conservative support for Putin

Putin-The-Atlantic Herland Report

  Herland Report: Vladimir Putin is a powerful ideological symbol and a highly effective ideological litmus test. He is a hero to populist conservatives around the world and anathema to progressives. Vladimir Vladimirovich is not the president of a feminist NGO. He is not a transgender-rights activist. He is not an ombudsman appointed by the United Nations to make and …

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Hanne Nabintu Herland: On the fear of Western democracies turning totalitarian

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  The rise of totalitarianism in democratic states has worried Europe’s intellectuals for some time. The original fervent faith in the ability of modernity to overcome evil was significantly setback and reduced in the aftermath of the Second World War. Left thinkers such as Herbert Marcuse, Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer and Michel Foucault all attempted to use critical theory …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite