Tag Archives: Death of Christianity in Europe

Hva er ytringsfrihet? Retten til frekkhet og ondskap? #Toleranse

Hanne Herland Report 2019

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Hva er ytringsfrihet? Og hva betyr egentlig toleranse? Den opprinnelige betydningen av ordet «toleranse» innebærer respekt for den andres rett til å være uenig med deg, samtidig som du selv holder fast ved din egen oppfatning. Ifølge det historiske toleransebegrepet i Europa, betyr ikke toleranse at den ene parten må gi etter for den …

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Notre Dame 1000 churches vandalized in France 2018

Notre Dame 1000 churches vandalized in France 2018:

  Mystery still surrounds the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, the very symbol for France’s Christian heritage. Even before the fire was extinguished, French authorities stated that the Notre Dame fire was a “mistake due to renovation.” How did they already know? Paris’ Church of St. Sulpice burned just a few days earlier, on Sunday, March 17, set …

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Europe in freefall, solidarity withering: We need Conservative Values – Hanne Nabintu Herland speech

The Search for meaning: Hanne Nabintu Herland in studio.

  Herland Report:In the West, we have largely departed from a more democratic political system where the media’s role was to produce objective informationand present multiple views, to a now authoritarian structure where a handful of the world’s economic elites control the system.  The same elite owns the newspapers by and large, and thereby decide what is written. Over 90% of …

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