Tag Archives: Dick Cheney

Paul Craig Roberts on the American unipolar world view: The United States is exceptional, everyone else (including Europe), are dispensable

 Paul Craig Roberts exclusive interview: The neo-con lead us towards Total War: Herland Report

  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts states in this exclusive interview with Herland Report that “the worst thing that have happened in my lifetime was the collapse of the Soviet Union.” “This was absolutely the worst thing. As long as the Soviet Union was there, there was a limit to Washington and its ability to bully and dominate,” states Dr. Paul …

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Afghanistan marks the Total Failure of the American Neo-Con Strategy – Wesley Clark

Afghanistan marks Total Failure: Getty

  Herland Report: Afghanistan marks Total Failure of the American Neo-Con Strategy: The United States came to Afghanistan to “look for Osama bin Laden” in the Torabora caves. Twenty years on, after countless speeches about bringing democracy and women’s rights to Afghanistan, the U.S. is kicked out of the country in a remarkably public mainstream media Taliban showdown that now …

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Noam Chomsky sier USA er vår tids største kilde til terror

USA er vår tids største kilde til terror Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: USA er vår tids største kilde til terror: At Noam Chomsky, som er kåret til USAs ledende intellektuelle og verdens mest siterte forsker, skriver at USA har utviklet seg til å bli vår tids største kilde til terror, er deprimerende lesning. Det har lenge vært kjent at Chomsky hevder at USA ikke lenger er et demokrati, men …

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