Tag Archives: espen barth eide

Wikileaks: Espen Barth Eide thinks only of his own career?

Wikileaks: Espen Barth Eide thinks only of his own career?

  Herland Report: Wikileaks: Espen Barth Eide thinks only of his own career? Espen Barth Eide has returned home after serving as UN special envoy to Cyprus. Notorious for his arrogance and lack of in depth knowledge about the conflict, has completely failed in finding a solution in Cyprus. Local forces have adamantly opposed him for several years, even allegedly …

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Arbeiderpartiledere: Espen Barth Eide meler egen karriere

Espen Barth Eide meler egen karriere:

  Herland Report: Espen Barth Eide meler egen karriere: Han har kommet hjem fra stillingen som FNs spesialutsending til Kypros.   På Kypros har FN utsending Espen Barth Eide, som er kjent for sin arroganse og manglende reelle kunnskap, totalt mislyktes i å finne en løsning på konflikten. Han har vært motarbeidet i flere år fra lokale krefter, til tross for det …

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Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi, Clinton Foundation under investigation

Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi, Clinton Foundation under investigation Chris J. Farrell: Hillary Clinton ran criminal enterprise from the White House: Herland Report

   Herland Report: The continuous biased media support for notorious liar Hillary Clinton illustrate deeply problematic trends in the Western media. Journalists and editors who were supposed to report as objectively as possible now function as propaganda megaphones for the non-democratic American elites, writes historian of comparative religions, author and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland, first published …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite