Tag Archives: financial collapse

Prepare for the Reality of Financial Collapse

Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: Financial Collapse: Getty

  Herland Report: Financial Collapse: Financial experts and insiders have, for well over a decade, warned that a collapse of the U.S. currency is a mathematical inevitability, and this collapse will have global ramifications, as the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. U.S. inflation is currently at 8.3%, but in some markets, it’s in the double digits. Used car sales, …

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Post Covid-19 economic crisis may lead to massive debt meltdown in debt overloaded sectors

Biden normalize perversity: Post Covid-19 economic crisis: Joe Biden Admits That Democrats Are Relying on Vote Fraud to Win, Reuters

  Herland Report: Post Covid-19 economic crisis: The Covid-19 crisis has already had cataclysmic economic effects on national economies. It may also set the stage for “a debt meltdown long in the making, starting in many of the Asian emerging and developing economies on the front lines of the outbreak,” Yayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, …

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