Tag Archives: financial crisis

Why Countries Collapse: Exorbitant debt, energy sector problems, corrupt political systems, delusional elites

Why Countries Collapse: Collective US Stupidity threaten to demolish National Unity: Getty

   Dmitry Orlov and Vladimir Putin believe the US is failing, because the US government, in Putin’s words, is “making sure-footed strides directly along the path of the Soviet Union.” These strides are, in Orlov’s words: “exorbitant debt, problems in the energy sector and unreformable political systems mired in corruption, their elites delusional in their feelings of omnipotence. And now …

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The Nouriel Roubini warning of staggering amounts of debt that will lead to “the Mother of all Economic Crises”

Nouriel Roubini on Megathreats Getty

  Nouriel Roubini, a former advisor to the International Monetary Fund and member of President Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisors, was one of the few “mainstream” economists to predict the collapse of the housing bubble. The Nouriel Roubini warning: Now Roubini is warning that the staggering amounts of debt held by individuals, businesses, and the government will soon lead to …

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Who owns the world? An analysis on how the super-rich took it all – Tim Gielen

Bill Gates Warns of the Next Pandemic: Bill Gates and Partners Took Control Over Covid-19: Reuters

  Who owns the world? Watch the Tim Gielen documentary on how the super-rich amassed wealth during Covid-19 while hundreds of millions are plunging into poverty.      RELATED ARTICLES: Who owns the world? The Gates Vaccine Empire: Billions in transfer from the poor to the ultra-rich Bill Gates speech about “vaccines could reduce unsustainable population growth” Non-elected billionaire Bill …

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Why the total silence on White Slavery? White slavery was normal in the Byzantine Period

Why the silence on White Slavery? Raymond Ibrahim

  The penchant to target “white” women for sexual exploitation is an epidemic currently plaguing Europe, especially Britain and Scandinavia, writes Islamic scholar and author, Raymond Ibrahim, a regular contributor to The Herland Report. The current Black Lives Matter debate is solely focused on white slave owners, disregarding that black tribes in Africa sold black slaves from neighboring tribes to …

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International Dollar System Breaking Up: Federal Reserve’s higher interest rates are devaluing the asset side balance sheets

The Global Financial Revolution and the End of the PetroDollar hegemony

  Washington’s weaponization of the dollar makes the world abandon the dollar: The Federal Reserve’s higher interest rates after 12 years of zero interest rates are devaluing the asset side of banks’ balance sheets.  Dollar System Breaking Up: This frightens depositors and they withdraw their deposits.  Depositors also are withdrawing their money because they can get much higher interest rates on …

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Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Global House of Cards Casino

Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: Financial Collapse: Getty

  Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction: On Friday, March 10, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapsed and was taken over by federal regulators. SVB was the 16th largest bank in the country and its bankruptcy was the second largest in U.S. history, following Washington Mutual in 2008. Despite its size, SVB was not a “systemically important financial institution” (SIFI) as defined in the Dodd-Frank …

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Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The US Has the World Setup for Crisis

Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The notion of White Privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history paul craig roberts

  There are two main avenues to a potential US financial crisis.  Such a crisis, because of US financial dominance and because of the interconnections of globalism, which was a huge mistake for humanity, would be international. Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: One avenue to crisis is the Federal Reserve’s current policy of raising interest rates.  This policy follows many years …

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The Billionaire New World Order Economic Forum mirror the Corporate Raiders of the British East India Company

The Billionaire New World Order: World Economic Forum AP

  Herland Report: The Billionaire New World Order: The Davos billionaire hotspot World Economic Forum so desires to merge public state funds with the wealth of the privately owned business corporations that dominate the world. This is a very smart initiative that gives billionaires access to the nation states’ government funds. The British empire did the same with the privately …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite