Tag Archives: food shortage

American Junk Food and the Corn Subsidies

American Junk Food: Sam Jacobs, Ammo, Getty

  Herland Report: American Junk Food: Corn subsidies are big business in the United States, and this can be seen in the explosion of a simple ingredient now found in everything from sodapop to hot dogs – high fructose corn syrup, also known as HFCS. Between the development of HFCS in 1970 and 1990, the consumption of HFCS skyrocketed by …

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How the Washington Food Subsidies Make Americans Fat and Sick

Washington Food Subsidies Huffington

  Herland Report: Food Subsidies: Farm subsidies are perhaps the ultimate, but secret, third rail of American politics. While entitlements are discussed out in the open, farm subsidies are rarely talked about – even though they are the most expensive subsidy Washington doles out. All told, the U.S. government spends $20 billion annually on farm subsidies, with approximately 39 percent of …

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