Tag Archives: Greece

The Ruthless Strategy of Persecuting the Orthodox Church in Ukraine may Backfire

Religious Revival in Russia: The Kiev Lavra Monastery complex has been the center for Christianity in Russia for centuries. CBN

    As the Ukrainian government is now engaged in a militant atheist Soviet Union type of manhunt and persecution against traditional Orthodox Christians who pledge loyalty to Ukraine, this may be a mistake that will impact the Russia-Ukraine war in unexpected ways. Persecuting the Orthodox Church in Ukraine: The forced politization of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine may easily …

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Netflix’s depiction of Cleopatra is completely fake. Cleopatra was Greek blonde, not black

Netflix’s Cleopatra is fake:

  By having her depicted as a Black woman, Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra” is creating a stir. Because all four of my grandparents were Coptic Egyptian, and because the Copts are “acknowledged as the remaining descendants of the civilization of the Ancient Egyptians, with Pharaonic origins,” I cannot resist but offer my two cents. Former Egyptian Antiquities Minister Zahi Hawass insists …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite