Tag Archives: islamic persecution of christians

Why America Failed to ‘Win Hearts’ in Afghanistan: Oblivious of Culture, thought only of Materialism

Why America Failed in Afghanistan: Getty

  Herland Report: Why America Failed in Afghanistan: In many ways, arrogant leftist thinking—indeed, the leftist paradigm in its entirety—led to the disaster that is Afghanistan. Many, especially those of Afghan background, have made this clear in the aftermath of America’s withdrawal.  Consider the words of Baktash Ahadi, an Afghan-American who served as an interpreter for the U.S. military for years: How could …

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Muslim Persecution of Christians 2019 – Raymond Ibrahim

Muslim Persecution Ibrahim Herland Report

  At The Herland Report we address the steady persecution of Christians world wide, and especially in Muslim countries where the tolerance for Christians is exceptionally low. This is not a politically-correct topic, as the media in the West chronically avoids describing the horrific persecution against those who are not Muslims in Islamic countries. Read Islamic scholar, Raymond Ibrahim’s account: …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite