Tag Archives: philosophy

The Declining West Now Hates the Values that made us Great in History

The Declining West: The search for meaning beyond Materialism. Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Former Pope Benedict XVI often pointed out that the secular focus on scientific and technological progress alone has created a moral vacuum in the West. The Declining West: It has produced an atheist culture that suffers from a lack of moral energy and compassion. He deemed the lack of traditional moral standards to be the greatest threat to contemporary …

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Scientism – not science – is the Modern Atheist Religion

Useless Covid-19 Face Masks: The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal: Modern Atheist Religion: Dr. Fauci, Getty

  As technocracy and transhumanism have risen to the fore, they have brought with them their own form of science — “scientism” — which is basically the religion of science. In other words, it’s a belief even in the absence of evidence, or in the face of contrary evidence, and this is a very serious problem. The clearest problem with …

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To Follow the Inner Voice of Nature leads to Contentment in Life

What is Happiness? Herland Report

  The French philosopher, Jean-Jacques Rousseau famously stated that morality is our following of a voice of nature within us. This inner voice is often drowned out by the passions, our pride or other destructive forces of egoism and evil that lurk in the darkness. If we choose to quench this voice of nature that many call the conscience, our …

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What is Happiness, instant bliss or lasting contentment?

  The modern term “happiness” is translated almost exclusively into the category of feelings. To be happy is described as the sensation you get when buying a Coca Cola, drinking it on the beach, surrounded by beautiful it-girls. Happiness is the instant bliss – the very moment of gladness – when you acquire something that you desire. The advertisement industry …

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Denzel Washington philosophy of life: Top lessons learnt


  In a time of growing turmoil and unrest, Denzel Washington’s philosophy of life and vivid message about the top lessons learned from his faith in God is well worth noting.  As the New Left atheist movement has succeeded in tearing down the very fabric of unity and community in the West, with its hailing of free sex and drugs, the …

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Sex Wars: Fall of Western Dominance as Testosterone drop

The Testosterone Hypothesis is written by Roy Barzilai, Tel Aviv.

  Roy Barzilai: We live in a period of history in which intensifying gender, race and religious wars are leading to political disputes over nationalism versus globalism. This is threatening Western liberty with a return to primitive tribalism, writes Roy Barzilai at The Herland Report.  What is it that drives us toward sex, fuels life, and makes death inevitable? As …

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Religion and the Meaning of Life

Mental Health: The Meaning of Life: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Meaning of Life: One thing is certain: We shall all die. None of us will survive the hardships of this world. We ultimately leave this world and the physical body is buried in a grave. The terrifying question is: What will happen to us after death? Will we be greeted by demons or angels, or eternal …

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