Tag Archives: radical left

How the Left redefine History: Voltaire, hailed as apostle of tolerance was not tolerant at all

How the Left redefined History: Voltaire, hailed as apostle of tolerance was not tolerant at all

The elites that controls the media, the universities, and the publishing houses write history. They retell how we are to understand the past, redefining perspectives. How the Left redefine history: Since the Marxist groups began dominating the narrative in the West, history has been rewritten to fit a specific agenda: To demonize traditional values, precisely the ideals that made the …

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Det kulturradikale frekkhetssamfunnet, Hanne Nabintu til Espen Ottosen

Det kulturradikale frekkhetssamfunnet, Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland svarer Espen Ottosen og mener at han forsvarer Arbeiderpartiets kulturradikale meningsmonopol. I avisen Dagen pågår en debatt om hva ytringsfrihet egentlig er. Ytringsfrihet hylles ofte som en klassisk, vestlig verdi. Men hvilken form for «ytringsfrihet» er det snakk om? Retten til å si alt det stygge man til andre? Retten til å være frekk, …

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