Tag Archives: Ray Dalio

Billionaire Ray Dalio says US economy in existential threat if Capitalism does not Redistribute

Billionaire Ray Dalio says American economy poses existential threat if Capitalism does not Redistribute

  The wealth gap is at the highest since the late 1930s and the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund, Ray Dalio calls for reforming capitalism, arguing that if the US does not redistribute wealth and opportunity, the country’s existence as a stable global power is threatened, writes Business Insider. He said the US needs leadership that will declare inequality …

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Hedgefund manager Ray Dalio’s analysis, U.S. needs redistribution

Hedgefund manager Ray Dalio's analysis, U.S. needs redistribution, Robert Steele, Herland Report

  I was educated by Ray Dalio’s recent publication of Why and How Capitalism Needs to Be Reformed (Parts 1 & 2), an earnest and learned exposition I would not have noticed were it not for Zero Hedge, which continues to offer a brilliant potpourri of useful daily insights. These two posts alerted me to Ray Dalio’s manifesto: In brief, this patriotic …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite